Chapter 15: Closer than before

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             "You want me.. To kiss you? Now?" Jungkook asked as Jimin blushed and shook his head quickly.

            "J-Jungkook! I can't right now... I don't want to right now.. I was only suggesting it soon.. Maybe when I'm ready for that part.. I'll ask you for it soon."

           "Do you want it to mean something?" Jungkook asked as Jimin shook his head quickly.

         "You know it's tough for me to love someone like this! I-I don't want that now.. You can kiss me to get me used to it soon, but I can't handle that now."

           "Well, I don't think I can do that... A kiss... I haven't had one at all and giving that first kiss should be for my lover." Jungkook then looked at Jimin. "But for you? I can take it.. I will give you my first kiss even if you don't want it to mean something. It will to me." Jungkook claimed as he held up Jimin's hand. "I know you can last long holding hands if you are distracted.. I think it's memories that come to your head when you think about it. We'll work on that." Jungkook said as he cupped Jimin's small hands. "You have cute hands.."

             Jimin smiled just feeling happiness when Jungkook held his hand.. It almost made him forget the past that traumatized him from getting touched by others. After Jungkook released Jimin's hands, he stood up and wanted Jimin to follow him. "Where are you going?" Jimin asked as Jungkook turned back to hold out his hand.

           "Hold my hand on our way to your room." Jungkook claimed while Jimin picked up the back pack and took it with him as he slowly got up and nodded. "Let's see if you can do it." Jungkook said. Jimin nodded and trusted the young man on this.

            Jimin accepted Jungkook's hand and walked with him out of the therapist office. Jimin tried his best not to think about how much he couldn't stand physical contact and tried taking deep breaths and pushing the feeling of disgust away. As the two walked out of the office together, they held hands as a few patients gave them stares and staff members were a bit surprised that Jimin was allowing it... Normally, when Jimin wouldn't take his vitamins.. They would have to hold him down to take it and by there, Jimin would cry on how he feels scared by having others put their hands on him.

           The two made it to Jimin's room and Jungkook was glad Jimin actually made it in without twitching or crying. "Good job." Jungkook claimed as he let go of Jimin's hand. "Let's try a hug. Then, we hold hands back to the office." Jungkook claimed as he held out his arms wanting Jimin to hug him.

           Jimin kept his eyes shut and started walking up with his eyes closed still wearing the back pack full of clothes on his back. Suddenly, Jungkook stepped aside and Jimin stopped walking. "Jungkook?"

             "That's not how you hug others, Park Jimin.. Look at me." Jungkook claimed as Jimin opened his eyes and looked at Jungkook. Jimin then walked into Jungkook's arms keeping his eyes open. So far Jimin was doing well... Until Jungkook hugged Jimin back. Jimin can feel Jungkook's chest, his lower torso against his body and felt his gentle breathing. Jimin began to feel uncomfortable and Jungkook felt Jimin's breathing increase as he was feeling very uncomfortable now.

            "Jungkook..." Jimin whispered as Jungkook wrapped his arms around Jimin gently and softly. To Jimin, he felt like the touches were like many people touching him and thats when Jimin gasped and backed away quickly not wanting to be hugged anymore. "I don't want it!" Jimin cried as Jungkook placed his hands down.

           "You seem to say that alot when you don't want contact with someone.." Jungkook claimed. "Let's go back to holding hands." Jungkook said as Jimin looked back at the pile of snacks left on the bed.

             "I have a better idea..." Jimin claimed as he walked up to his bed. "I didn't eat any of these.."

              "Jimin, those are yours! You are supposed to eat them not keep them on your bed, silly!" Jungkook laughed as Jimin shook his head.

              "I wanted to eat them with you! You brought these and I think it's only fair that we eat these together and talk about many things." Jimin claimed as he sat next to the bags of snacks. "Where's Sun?" Jimin asked as Jungkook shrugged.

           "Sun could be outside right now. She's a cat and can't stay indoors all the time, It's bad for her." Jungook said as he sat next to Jimin. The older boy held out the bag of seaweed chips as he handed it to Jungkook so he can open it. "Don't know how to open it?"

            "No that's not it, I just don't want to." Jimin giggled as Jungkook smiled opening the bag of seaweed chips and handing the bag back to Jimin. "I'm not greedy, Jungkook.. Take as much as you want! I'm sharing all of this with you." Jimin claimed as Jungkook nodded taking one big squared green and salty seaweed chip and began to eat it with Jimin.

           "So, what do you want to talk about?" Jungkook asked as Jimin began to think.

           "What do you do on the new years day?" Jimin asked as he ate some of the chips looking at Jungkook.

             "Nothing really, but my family always does a big feast.. It's really nice." Jungkook claimed.

              "I like seeing the fireworks in the skies." Jimin stated. "Very pretty... I can see them from my window and hear the sounds of it go off in the sky. Last Hospital I was in, everyone allowed the patients to step outside to see them.. and even allow some family members to visit! It was fun. I had no one to watch them with... But I still enjoyed seeing the bright and colorful fireworks show!" Jimin said as he smiled. "I always love seeing the parades from afar too... But from my window here? I doubt I can see those parades... And I hope to see the fireworks from here now." Jimin sighed looking out the window behind him. "It would be such a shame if I couldn't catch a bit of it..."

         Jungkook thought of what Jimin said... It almost felt like he wanted to help Jimin escape this prison for a better lifestyle.. Not only to see the fireworks.. But to keep Jimin close to Jungkook as much as possible. Jungkook was starting to feel something towards Jimin... and it wasn't in a friendly way. More in a way that he can finally understand what it means to fall in love for the first time in a while....

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