I- Coconut head

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🐷Charin's POV


I was in my dreamland until I heard someone knocked on on the door and opened it.
I know it was Lisa unnie cause she is the only that come into my room without my permission.

Lisa: Charin-ah wake up...

I acted like I didn't hear.

Lisa: Maknae ah...

she raised her voice trying to act like she was angry.


Me: I'm up I'm up, you don't have to yell is still morning...

I sat up while rubbing my eyes.

Lisa: Go get ready and join us, the others are already downstairs.

She walked out.

I was about to lay back down but suddenly someone jumped in my bed and it was...


I took him in my arms and played with him until I remember something

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I took him in my arms and played with him until I remember something.

Me: Oh sh*t I have to get ready!

I let go of Brownie and I run to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and take a bath.

Then I went to my closet and wore this :

Then I went to my closet and wore this :

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I went back to my bedroom. I took my phone and picked Brownie up, I carried him with me and went downstairs.

I arrived in the big living. I put Brownie down, he quickly ran to Cookie and played with her. Then I heard...

Jin: My Chacha is here! Come and eat your breakfast before gets cold.

Jin oppa yelled from the kitchen.

Me: I'm coming oppa!

I ran to the kitchen.

I arrived and I saw everybody eating, I was the last one.

I went to the last seat and sat down then I started to eat. I didn't realize that Jungkook was sitting across me until he said...

Jk: Last one as always...

He said in an annoying tone.

Me: Yah don't you start! I'm not in the mood to have an argument with you Coconut head.

Jk: Who are you calling 'Coconut head' huh?

Me: Of course I'm calling you Coconut head..Boy didn't you look at yourself in the mirror before you get here cause is like you have a coconut instead of your hair.

"Keep going Charin keep going he will explode soon" I said in my mind while smirking.

Jk: Don't judge my hair!! If I'm a coconut head then you're a chubby pig.

Me: Yah You-

I was cut by Suga.

Suga: Can you two please shut up I was trying to sleep..

The other look at him with an ' Are you serious, man?' look.

Jin: Maknae, can't you two stop fighting?

Me: But he started it first!

Jk: But she called me coconut head!

Jin: I said stop, if not I have no choice but to punish you two understand?

We nodded and started to eat.

The others started to chit-chat, but they stopped because of my sudden shout.

Me: AHHH!!!

I shouted in pain because that Devil kicked my leg.

Me: Yah you kicked my leg in purpose didn't you?

Jk: Oops, sorry it was an accident.

I glare at Jungkook who is trying to hold his laugh. I was so mad at him but then an idea came to mind and I smirked.

Me: Oppa, can you give me the bottle of sauce, this one is empty.

Taehyung oppa give me the bottle full of sauce.

I opened the bottle but instead of pressing the sauce on my plate I press on Jungkook's face.

Everybody was shocked and so did he.

Jk: Park Charin how dare you!!

Me: Oops, sorry it was an accident.

I said what he said to me a minute ago and I started to laugh so hard.

Jin: I warned you two didn't I? So you two will wash the dish as punishment!

He looked very angry so we just nodded our heads.

JH: Jungkook go change you smell like a tomato.

He went up to change, I started to laugh again.

Me: Ouch my stomach hurt so much haha...

JM: Park Charin!! How many times do I have to tell you to stop fighting with Jungkook!

I stopped laughing.

Me: Oppa...This time he started it first you even see it by yourself so I just did it back.

I said and put some sauce on my plate. The members sighed and continued to eat.









End of part I

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