Final- Back to Busan

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Author's POV

Lisa: Why do you have to go?...

She cried while hugging Charin. As Charin was going to Busan everybody was there to say goodbye. They were in front of the house, Charin wanted to go by car so.

CR: Unnie I'll come back...

The younger couldn't hold her tears anymore and let them out. She released from Lisa and did a group hug, Charin looked at her brother and smiled.

JM: Say hi to omma for me...

CR: I will...

They hugged each other and Charin waved at them before getting into her car. She started the car and drove out.

All: Have a good trip, Charin!!

🐷Charin's POV

I was driving on a long road not too much car only two or three were passing by since it was already dark.

I was hungry so I decided to stop at the stop parking to buy some snacks.

I walked into the coincidence store and took some food and went to the cashier to pay.

I walked out of the store with two bags of snack, I went back to my car and was putting the bags in the backseat then suddenly.

Me: Ahhh!!

Someone put a tissue on my mouth and everything went black.










Me: Uhhhg!!

I opened my eyes and saw everything blurry. I shook my head and found myself in a room.

Me: What is this?

My hands and legs were tied, I tried to get myself free of the rope but it was hopeless. I heard some footstep coming toward the door in front of me.

???: Well you're awake now?

I looked up and it was..










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