XXIV- Stay away from him

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🐷Charin's POV

After the dinner, it gettings dark so we went back to our house.

RM: Sleep tight everybody, tomorrow we have a practice for the concert so sleep early.

Everybody nodded and went upstairs to their room. I walked into my room and did my night routine.

I had taken a shower and wore my pajama, I dried my hair and started to search for a drama to watch.

I sat on my couch with my snacks, I watched the drama with Brownie by my side.

The boy from the drama was about to confess to the girl but suddenly......

Someone knocked on my door. I frowned as I put my snacks on the couch and got up.

Who will come to me this late?

I asked myself and opened the door, it was Mei.

Me: Oh? Hey, do you need something?

Mei: Can...I ...can I talk to you?

Me: Of course! Come inside, I was watching a drama.

I let her in my room and lead her to my couch, we sat down.

Me: So...What do you want to talk about?

Mei: About Jungkook oppa...

Jungkook? What about him?

Mei: You know that I like him and you said that you will help me... Well, I don't know that if I said this you will be mad at me or not...

Me: Just tell me, I promise that I won't be mad.

Mei: Can you make some space between you and Jungkook oppa? I mean.. I didn't ask you to stay away from him but if you keep being close to him how can I show my love to him?

I totally understood what she means, she just wanted me to stay away from him...

Me: Don't worry, I will...

Mei: Unnie I don't want you to...

Me: It's okay I understand, I told you I'll help so here I'm doing!

I tried to put a smile but my heart wanted to do the opposite.

Mei: Are you not mad at me unnie?

Me: No no no, I'm not mad, why would I be?

Mei: I just feel like you and Jungkook oppa are good friends but I'll ruin it because of my selfishness...

She said sadly and looked down, I sighed and placed my hand on her.

Me: Remember I'm Charin. Your sunbaenim, so I have to help you!

Mei: Thank you so much unnie!

She hugged me so I did.


After she walked out of my room, I laid on my bed talking to Brownie.

Me: So she asked me to stay away from Jungkook...

I caressed his head.

Me: Do you think is a good an idea to help her? I don't know what do think anymore Brownie... My mind told me to help her but my heart is trying to convince me not to... Maybe I'll just help her, but not too much. Is that make sense?

I looked like a crazy talking to my puppy...

Me: I wish one day you can talk Brownie. So then I won't have to ask and answer my own questions... But I know that day will never come... that's alright because just having you to listen to my problem I'm already thankful.

I turned off my light and pulled the blanket covering our two bodies.

Me: Sweet dream Brownie-ah.









End of part XXIV

I'm sorry if this chapter is too short.
Thank you so much for reading! Saranghaeyo 💕


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