XX- Concert practice

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Jisoo's POV

We stepped into the house. The living room was empty like no one was in this house.

Jin: I'll make the diner can you go and call them?

The girls, Mei and I went up, we went to Charin's room. I knocked on the door but no answer so I opened it.

Me: OMG.

I couldn't believe my eyes at what I saw.

Lisa: What is it unnie? Why did you- OW MY GWAD!

She had the same reaction as me, the others came and saw the two maknae sleeping while holding their hand.

Lisa: Aww so cute!!

Jennie: Let's wake them.

She went to them and shook them.

🐷Charin's POV

Someone shook me and I woke up.

Me: Mm Oh? you guys are here.

Jisoo: Can you tell me what are you two doing?

Me: Two? I remember I couldn't sleep so Jungkook sang for me to sleep and...

I turned my head and saw Jungkook sleeping on the chair but his head was just next to mine.


I got up and he did.

JK: Why are you shouting?

he rubbed his eyes and then realized that the girls were in the room.

Rose: Hahaha did the maknae did something when we weren't there??


*In the dining room*

Jimin: WHAT???

Me: Why are you so shocked about it? I told you is nothing, okay? I was laying on the bed and him on the chair so...

Lisa: Yeah.. but you were holding your hands...

Me: Ugrrrhhh!

???'s POV

Why does my plan turn into this? It supposed to make her suffering... I have to think of another plan to break them in the end. I don't want to see them together, I don't want to see her being loved.

I don't want to see her being care by the members. I don't want to see her near to my Jungkook, I will make her go away from him, or from the company is even better. I hate her!!!

Author's POV

Tae: How are you, Charin?

Me: I'm doing good just some pain from the bruises.

Jennie: Tomorrow we all have to practice the intro, the talk, and the placement together but since you're like this...

Me: I will go.

Suga: But you are...

Me: It's okay, I still can talk.

[ In the morning ]

They got in the van to go to the stage. They stepped out of the car and went in. Bts and Blackpink were on stage chitchatting waiting for the staff to start.

They were in their usual clothes since is just a practice. Mei and the managers were sitting in front watching them practice.

There was a cameraman who was there to film the behind the scene of the concert. The idols started to play and joke around.

Cameraman: What happens to your fingers?

He asked Charin as we can see her with many plasters on her finger.

Charin: A little accident, don't worry about me.

Jk: She is clumsy as always...

A smile appeared on Charin's face as she knew that he will tease her.

Jk: And now as she is injured she will say ' ~Jungkook please help me with this~'

He imitated Charin, but she hit his arm as she was embarrassing.

Jk: ~Jungkook please give me foods~

The members were laughing at those two even the cameraman.


Staff: Please put your earpieces on and be ready on backstage.

The idols took their earpieces and microphones.

Charin: Can someone help me put my earpiece, please?

Rose: Let me help you.

Rose helped her put her earphone since she couldn't move her fingers correctly from the plasters. Every member has their own earpieces.

Charin's earpiece:

( I know it's written 'Charlyn' not 'Charin' but let's just pretend that's hers

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( I know it's written 'Charlyn' not 'Charin' but let's just pretend that's hers.)

They went backstage and position themselves.

Staff: 1.2.3 Start!

The lights came and the music started. The big screen slowly opened up revealing Bts and Blackpink posing elegantly. They walked straight to the big stage.


Staff: Break!!

They all sat down instantly while panting hard. The staff gave them some waters. Charin has a problem with the bottle, she couldn't open.

Jungkook saw her trying but her face showed that her finger hurts so he gestured Charin to give him the bottle. He took it and opened it for her, he passed the bottle back to her and she thanked him.

Jk: See I have to help her again.

He whispered to the camera.

Charin: Yah I heard that!


After sometimes they practiced in the ballon. Charin and Jungkook were in the same ballon. The balloon started to move around the hall while they all sang a song.

At the end of the song, they went back in the stage and walked to the middle stage in the central. They have to talk and end the concert there.

Staff: Okay you did a good job! That's all for today.

The staff applauded and the idols bowed and thanked them before going in the backstage.









End of part XX

I have now 700+ reads! Thank you so much, I hope you enjoy the story.
If you have something to advise me you can comment it, I'll try to make it better.


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