XIX- Taking care of you

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🐷Charin's POV

I woke up by the pain on my body. I saw my hands, my arms and my legs wrapping in a bandage.

Me: Ahh

I wanted to get up but I couldn't, my body was really weak. Where is Brownie? Is he okay? Did he-

JK: you're awake.

He came into my room with a tray in his hand.

Me: What are you *cough* doing in my room?

He placed it on my table near the bed and sat beside me.

JK: Even when you're sick you still have the same attitude...

Me: I asked *cough*you what are you doing in my room?

JK: I'm here to check you up and taking care of you.

Me: Why you?

Jk: Because the others have to practice. So how are you feeling?

Me: My body ached*cough*, my head, and my throat hurts.

He put his hand on my forehead.

JK: You still have a fever. Eat this porridge it will make you feel better.

I watched him take the porridge ready to feed me.

Me: You don't have to feed me...

Jk: I'm trying to be good to you. Plus your hands are injured. Hurry open your mouth.

I looked at the spoon and opened my mouth, he fed me.

Jk: Good girl.

Me: Yah! Don't call me that!

I hit him with my weak fist and he laughed.

Jk: I complimented you, or you want me to call you 'bad girl'?

Me: Yah!!


Jk: Here eat your medicine.

Me: No. The medicine tastes not good.

I turned my head to the other side.

Jk: The medicine isn't supposed to taste good but to heal you, now eat!

Me: No way!

He turned my head to him by grabbing my cheeks with one hand. He squeezed my cheeks to open my mouth.

Me: Mmm let me go!

I tried to remove his hand from my cheek.

Jk: You won't eat in an easy way so...

He put the medicine in my mouth and closed it before I could spill out. I started to snuggle as the taste was horrible.

He passed me the water so I finished by swallowing the medicine.

Me: Ow It's so bitter!!

I drank all the water and passed him the cup.

Jk: I'll go now. If you want something just call me on your phone.

He took the tray.

Me: Wait where is Brownie? Is he okay?

Jk: He's downstairs and he's fine. Now you can sleep.

He went out.


I was blank laying in my bed, I can't sleep. I tried to change my position but it was a bad idea since I was injured when I move it hurts. I decided to text Jungkook.

Me: Kook come here I have a big problem!!

After some minutes he reads the message. I heard some footsteps running from the outside, someone knocked on my door.

Me: Come!

He came in. He looked at me and crossed his arms.

Jk: What is your problem? I see you're doing fine in your bed.

Me: I can't sleep.

He laughed sarcastically.

Jk: Are you kidding me? I ran from the second floor to heard you say ' I can't sleep'?

Me: I didn't tell you to run...

He came closer and sat on the chair.

Jk: So what can I help you my majesty?

Me: I want you to sing me to sleep.

Jk: Okay. But make sure you will sleep.

He started to sing '2U' by Justin Bieber.


🐰Jungkook's POV

I sang the last part and saw that Charin was already asleep.

How can she be so cute when she sleeps but a stubborn when she's awake?

Charin suddenly whined, she puts her hands in the air like she wants to reach something. I didn't know what to do so I gave her my hand. She took my hand and held it.

So I have to stay here as she held my hand...

I couldn't stay awake so I slept by placing my head on the bed while my body is on the chair.









End of part XIX

I love you guys so much!! Thank you for all the reads, it makes me feel happy to know that there are some people who read my story and that I didn't write for anything.❤️❤️❤️


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