XII- Stay with us

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Author's POV

Jungkook came down and went into the dining room. The members looked at him in confusion.

Jin: And...Charin?

Jin asked the maknae as Jungkook took a seat.

Jk: She's asleep.

They nodded. They started to eat in silence until RapMonster broke it.

RM: I have a new from Pd nim.

They turned their attention to RM, waiting for him to continue so he did.

RM: Mei will stay at our house, she will be with us for a while. Pd nim said that he wants her to experience an idol life so... You guys can think that Mei works for us as a manager if you feel weird to have her everywhere with us.

Lisa: You mean Mei, the new trainee right? When will she come?

RM: Yup! And she will come tomorrow by afternoon.

Jennie: Where can she sleep?

Rose: Maybe she can sleep in the guest room on our floor as she is a girl...

Jin: Okay then we should clean our house in the morning before she comes.

Jin ordered.

All: Naee!!


[ Morning ]

🐷Charin's POV

I opened my eyes as the sunshine laid on my face. I stretched myself, then I remember something.

Me: Wait.. why am I here?

I took an eye to the room, I'm in my room...

Me: But I remember I was in my studio last night...

I thought for a while. But thinking too much makes me more confused so I stop. I turned to my left, there was my puppy looking at me.

Me: Good morning Brownie!!!

I took him in my arms, kissed him and trickled him. After playing with him I went to my bathroom and did my morning routine. I went out and searched for something to wear in my closet, I wore this:

I walked out and Brownie was waiting in front of the room, I chuckled and opened my door

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I walked out and Brownie was waiting in front of the room, I chuckled and opened my door. I closed my door behind and went downstairs while Brownie following me.

I went directly to the dining as I was hungry.

I walked in, the members were eating their breakfast, I sat down.

Me: Good Morning!!

I said and Jin oppa served the breakfast for me.

All: Good morning!

I put some sauce on my plate before eating.

RM: I have something to tell you as you weren't there when we talked about.

I looked up at him.

RM: Mei will stay with us and she will come today by afternoon.

I frowned my eyebrows in confusion.

Me: Mei will stay with us???

I shouted a little bit.

Jimin: Yes Charin, she will.

Me: Why??

JH: Because Pd nim said so... He said he wants her to see how idol life is.

I nodded in understanding.

Well having a new friend won't be bad right?

Author's POV

After breakfast, they started to clean the house. The girls cleaned the guest room for Mei and the boys arranged the other room.


[ Afternoon ]

They were waiting now for Mei to come into the living room. They were talking about the concert together until they heard the doorbell ringing.

Lisa: I will go!!

She went open the door. The other was still watching the series.

Lisa: Here she is!

Lisa came into the living room with Mei. The members turned to her and greeted her.

Mei: Annyeong-haseyo!

She bowed as she was obviously the younger.

Mei: Thank you so much for letting me stay here, I know that I bothered you guys-

RM: You're not bothering us at all.

Jisoo: Let us show you your room.

Mei nodded as she followed the girls to her room.

Charin opened the door and they walked in.

Mei: Woah it's so beautiful thank you so much!!

She said as she sat on her bed.

Jennie: Thanks to our Charin because she decored this room just for you.

After hearing that Mei turned to Charin with a smile.

Mei: Thank you Charin unnie.

🐷Charin's POV

Mei: Thank you Charin unnie.

I don't know why but I feel like she doesn't like me...

Her smile that she smiled at me I know it was fake, but well maybe it's nothing.

I smiled back at her.

Mei: Where's Jungkook oppa's room?

We all glanced at each other as she asked that.

Rose: On the second floor...

Mei smiled. The silence in the room make me feel nervous so I said.

Me: If you have some problem you can come to us, my room is just next to you so if you need something just knock on my door!

She nodded. The girls and I went out to let her arrange her things. We walked to our living room just for Blackpink.

We sat down on the same couch, I hugged Lisa as she sat beside me.

Lisa: Weird. Don't you think?

So I'm not the only one who feels that.

Jennie: She is weird...

Rose: She has something...

Jisoo: That we don't know what is it...

Me: But we will find out soon...










End of part XIII

Thank you so much for reading!! I have deleted one part of my story but don't worry it won't make you guys confused. Hope you like it 😘😘


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