X- The new trainee

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Author's POV

Charin: Let's go back to the building.

She said as she ate her last sausage. They have finished eating so they went out and walked back to BigHit.

They went in and took the elevator to the practice room. They practiced the half of the song then someone comes into the room.

Pd nim: Sorry for bothering you, I have a favor for you guys.

Jungkook and Charin looked at each other and look back to Pd nim.

Charin: A favor? What is it?

Pd nim: Mei come in!

He yelled and a girl came into the room.

Pd nim: This is Mei, she is our new trainee, she just signed the contract and she will start today. I want you to show her around the building.

Mei: Annyeong-haseyo oppa and unnie please take care of me.

She bowed, and the two idol bow back.

PD nim: Okay so please take care of her, I will go to work now.

Charin/Jungkook: We will Pd nim.

🐷Charin's POV

I looked at her, she was cute and obviously talented if not she couldn't be a trainee. She was a little bit weird since now she didn't leave her eyes from Jungkook.

Me: Ahem...

She turned to me as I tried to break the silence.

Me: So you're Mei...

Mei: Yes I am.

Charin: You must know who we-

Mei: Yes! You're my bias Jungkook oppa!

Is she serious? How about me? How could she-

Jk: Okay let's go so we will show you around.

Jungkook went to open the door, she smiled widely and quickly follow him.

Well, I think she has something...

Jk: Charin!

Me: Yeah! I'm coming!


Jk: And this room will be your practice room...

She nodded as she walked next to him while I was behind them.

Mei: Oppa can I have your number?

Jk: What?

Wow! How can she ask for his number?... Wait and why do I have to care?

Mei: Um in case I need help with my practice...

She tried to be shy but well...she has done her best...

Me: You can have my num-

Mei: No thank you.


🐰Jungkook's POV

I saw the tension that Charin glance at her.

Me: Sure pass me your phone.

I tapped my number on her phone.

Mei: Thank you so much oppa!

She smiled sweetly at me so did I.

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