XVIII- Why is she like this??

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Author's POV

Jimin: Why is she not coming back yet? It's raining outside!

He was frustrated and worried at the same time. He just came back from practice with Jungkook, Taehyung, Rose, and Lisa but then this happened.

Jisoo: You have to calm down first Jimin...

Jimin: How can I calm down? My sister and her puppy are nowhere to be seen!

The living room became silent.

Jennie: Mei.

Mei was scared by the sudden call.

Mei: Y-Ye?

Jennie: You were there in the living room when Brownie was there, didn't you see him go somewhere?

Mei: No. After you went into your room, I went in my room too...


Jimin: I'll go to find her.

He took his jacket and went toward the door but the other tried to stop him.

JK: Huyng, Noona let him go I'll go with him.


🐷Charin's POV

I was running through the rain.

Me: Brownie! Where are you??

I shouted while running on the road, I made my way to the park.

I couldn't see clearly as the rain mixed with my tears in my eyes. I saw a little figure running toward me from the bin on the other side of the road.

Me: Brownie!!!

I ran to him but then I see a car coming at a fast pace, I was sure that the driver couldn't see the little puppy in front. I speeded my steps to Brownie.


I caught Brownie in time, my body rolled onto the road. I tightened the puppy in my arms so he don't get hurt. My body stopped on the side of the road, Brownie was fine but I was not. I was terrified by the sudden accident, the cold of the rain, the tiredness...I knocked out.

Author's POV

Jimin and Jungkook were running, trying to find Charin. They were on the road running through the hard rain.

JK: Hyung!

He shouted as he pointed to the person laying on the floor. They went toward that person.

Jimin: CHARIN!

He took his sister in his arm, checking if she was still breathing. Charin was bleeding, there were some bruises and scratches with blood on her body.

Jungkook took the puppy who was also worried about his mistress.

Jimin: Let's go back, she is frozen.

Jimin carried Charin on his back, he gave her a piggyback. They quickly went back home.


Lisa: OMG why is she like this?

Jimin: I don't have time to explain, please take the kits aid and come with me.

He carried his sister to her room while the others did what he said and followed him to the room.

As her body was wet Jimin decided to lay her on the couch.

Jin: Let me help you clean the wounds.

They cleaned her wounds with the alcohol, and of course, is burning. Charin started to flinch by the pain. She moved trying to get off of their hold while her eyes were still closing. Jimin hugged her trying to comfort her.

Jimin: Shhh It's okay...Oppa is here...Stay still okay...

She buried her head into his chest as Jin continued to clean her wounds. They finished her bandages. Her knees were bandages, her elbows to her arms too. Her hands were covered by the plasters.

Jimin: Can you change her clothes?

He asked the girl to do it, even Jimin and Charin are sibling but he respects her. The boys and Mei went out, they waited in BP's living room.

JK: I'll take Brownie in a shower before he got cold.

Jungkook and Suga washed Brownie.

The girls finished changing Charin's clothes, they came back into the room. They carried her to her bed.

JH: I'll get a bowl of water and a towel.

He went into her bathroom. Jisoo and Rose took the wet towel and rubbed it on her skin. Charin whined at the contact of the water.

Jimin: It's almost finished...Calm down...


Jimin: Sleep tight Charin.

he whispered in her ears and kissed her forehead.

RM: Let's go, guys, we should let her rest.

They walked out.









End of part XVIII

Thanks for keeping reading!!


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