XVII- You have a crush?

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🐷Charin's POV

I was in my studio with RM, we have to rap together. After 2 hours we finally made the beat of the song, we just have to write the lyrics and that was not easy...

Me: Uhh my head hurts so much!!

I stretched my back and laid back on my chair.

RM: How about we go out for some air?

Me: Nice idea, we should go before my head explode.

He switched off my computer and we take our thing before going downstairs.

Jin: Where are you two going?

He asked while closing the refrigerator.

RM: We are going out for a while, we couldn't make it in the studio.

Jin: Wait, but you guys didn't have your lunch yet?

We shook our head as a 'no'.

Jin: Here bring your lunch with you so you can picnic.

Me: Thank you omma!!

I grabbed the lunch box and put it in my bag.

Jennie's POV

We were eating then Jin oppa came after he left for some water. We weren't full in the house some went to Bighit.

Suga: It's time to eat now. Why didn't Charin come out yet?

Jin: She went out with RM to write their lyrics, but don't worry I gave them the lunch so they can have their lunch in the park.

Me: That's our omma!

Jin: Of course, I'll never let my babies carving. Never.


I went up to my room cause I forgot my notebook. I walked past the Blackpink's living room then I saw Mei sitting on the couch with her computer.

Me: Hey what are you doing?

I caressed Brownie as he was in his playground near our couch.

Mei: I'm watching some dance practice videos.

Me: I'm gonna be in the studio do you want to join?

Mei: No thanks.

I smiled and went to my room. I took my notebook and went out. I didn't see Mei and Brownie in the living room.

Mei? Maybe she went in her room..Brownie? Maybe he went downstairs with Cookie...

I went to the studio to make the rap with Suga oppa.


🐷Charin's POV

I ate the lunch with RM in the park.

Me: Oppa.

He hummed as a response.

Me: How do you know if you're in love?

RM oppa looked at me in surprise by my question.

RM: Why do you want to know Charin?

Me: Well. I just..I just want some inspiration for my new love song.

He placed his lunch box on the bench and his face became serious.

RM: For me when we're in love, we will feel really happy than ever. Our heart beats faster when we see the person that we love, just a smile from that person can make our day, your mind will be full of that person and you will feel safe and comfortable when you're around that person.


I have nothing to say. He described as he knows that feeling really well.

RM: Maybe that's what you will feel when you're in love...

I nodded.

RM: You have a crush?

I nodded.

RM: Really?

I blinked and came back to my soul.

Me: That's not what I mean. I don't have a crush, I was in my thought so I nodded to all you were saying...


RM: Let's go back before it gets dark.

We arranged our things and went back home.

Me: We're back~

We went in, suddenly Cookie appeared and started to cuddle my legs like she wanted to say something.

Me: What is it Cookie? Let me go to my room first I'll be back okay?

I went up and Cookie followed me. She went inside my room first as I had a special door for the dog, so the puppies can pass by the little door. I took my key and opened my door. I put my laptop on my table, Cookie came to me again.

Me: Okay okay, what is it?

She went into Brownie's bed and came back to me.

Me: You want to play with Brownie? Then go and play with him.

She didn't stop cuddle my legs.

Me: Did you two have a fight again? Won't he play with you right? Don't worry I will talk to him. Let's get him.

She went out and I followed her. I went into BP's living room to see if Brownie was in the playground but he wasn't. We went down to see in the living room, but no.

Me: Did you guys see Brownie?

I asked the hyung line and the unnie line as they were here.

Suga: No.

Jennie: Last time I saw him he was in the playground.

I went into every room of the house looking for him. I started to panic when he was nowhere to find.

Me: Oppa! Unnie! Brownie disappears!

They all turned to me.

All: What?

Me: I can't find him.

RM oppa came to me as I was in tears.

RM: We will find him.


It's been a while that we search for him but no traces of him. I couldn't wait anymore, I went toward the door.

Jennie: Charin where are you going?

Me: Searching for Brownie.

With that, I left the house.









End of part XVII

300+ read!!! Thanks for reading my story!! Thank you so much!! I love you 😍. Xoxo


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