XI- Just two of us

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🐷Charin's POV

The song ended, we walked out slowly to not make any sound. I stopped the recording.

Me: Perfect record!!

Jungkook approached me and sat down. I played the record to listen.

Jk: It's so cool! Your voice and mine are very good together!

I nodded and started to save the cover in a file. I glanced at the clock it was already 12:00 am, so I cleared my computer before getting up from my chair.

Me: Let's go eat our lunch!

I walked out of my studio and he followed me. We went downstairs.

Jk: Is someone here?!


Me: Well I think that they left to practice and now we are alone in this house.

I said as I walked into the kitchen. The kitchen was empty.

Jk: Wow Jin hyung didn't make the lunch...

He said as he entered the kitchen as well.

Me: So we have to cook ...

I went open the refrigerator to see what can we made for lunch. I took some food and placed them on the table.

Me: Yah! Come and help me make the lunch!

I shouted at him as he was about to sit on the chair. He immediately came to me.

Jk: What do you want me to do?

Me: You can wash the vegetable and I will cut them.

He turned to grab the vegetable and washed them.


I washed the vegetable and she cut them. I was washing the onion when suddenly Charin shouted.

Charin: Ahhh! My finger!

My eyes widened, I let the onion and turned to her as I was worried.

Me: Did you cut your finger? Let me see.

I said in concern. I took her hand to see her injured finger but instead of blood, she has the hot sauce on her finger.

Charin: Hahaha!

She laughed at me. I sighed in relief and let her hand go.

Charin: You should look at your face haha

Me: Can't you be serious for once? I was so worried, I thought that you hurt yourself.

I said as I turned back to what I was doing.

Charin: You were worried about me?~

She poked her head from my shoulder as she asked the question. I blushed as I could feel her breath on my neck.

Me: N-no.

I tried to focus on the onion but her stare makes me feel nervous.

Charin: Well well I can feel your face redden like the hot sauce on my finger kookie...

She licked the hot sauce on her finger. I gulped.

Kookie??? She's so hot when- no..no no Jungkook! Don't think about something like that!

She then hit my arms as I was in my thought.

Charin: Yah stop blushing! Wash the vegetable! I'm hungry I want to eat!!

She turned back to cut the vegetable. I continue washing confusedly.


We finally finished making the lunch, we took the dishes and place them on the table in the dining room. We sat together and ate.

Charin: Hmm my soup is so good.

I tried her soup as she said that. It was delicious.

Charin: How it is? Good right?

She asked me. I looked up at her across of me.

Me: Is delicious!

Charin: Really?

I nodded and she jumped in joy. She seems to be really happy by my compliment. I chuckled as she danced in a weird way.

Me: Okay stop dancing. Eat, if not I will eat it all by myself.

She immediately stopped and ate.


🐷Charin's POV

After we finished eating we washed the dishes, of course, if not Jin oppa will get mad again. I dried my hand and went out. But then stopped by Jungkook.

Jk: Where are you going?

Me: In my studio.

I went up to my studio. I wanted to do a surprise for the ARMY and Blink so I decided to write a song.

I started with the lyrics. I thought about a kind of song that I will write. I decided to do a love song. I keep writing some ideas and some words in my notebook.

Author's POV

[7:35 pm]

The members came back from practice. When they entered into the living, they saw Jungkook watching a cartoon.

Jimin: Where is Charin?

Jimin asked Jungkook as he didn't see her with him.

Jk: She is in her studio since 2 pm.

Suga: It has been 5 hours that she didn't go out of her studio?? I'm sure that your sister is making a new song again. I'm so proud of my Chacha~

Suga proudly walked into the kitchen following by Jin as he said.

Jin: Go tell her to come down I'll make the dinner for us.

Jungkook went up to her studio. He knocked on the door but no one replied, he knocked again and same response. He opened the door and entered. He saw Charin sitting on her chair, her head on the table sleeping.

Jk: She must be tired...

He mumbled, he didn't want to wake her up so he carried her to her room. He took her arm gently and put it around his neck, carried her legs with his arm and the other supporting her body. He carried her in bridal style to her bedroom.

He laid her on her bed and put the blanket around her body. He stared at her baby face, he removed some hair on her face and caressed her cheek with his thumb.

Jk: Good night Charin~

He whispered and went to switch off the lights and left the room.









End of part XII

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