XIV- Romantic

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[ Morning ]

Author's POV

They ate breakfast together.

Junho: Who will go to BigHit?

The manager asked to write in the planning.

Charin: Me/Jungkook.

JH: Me/Rose

Mina: So the other will stay in the house right?

They nodded.

Mina: Okay, Charin, Jungkook, J-hope, Rose, and Mei prepare yourself, in 20 min we will leave.

All: Nae!!


They were in the van, they took one car because they were just six. The car stopped in front of the building, they got out and walked in.

Mina: Mei you can go and watch them practicing.

Mina left them. They all went into the practice room. Even if they do a battle but they have to help each other with the performance.

JH: Let's warm up first.

He put a music and they warmed up.

Charin: Let us see what you have done.

After Charin said that, J-hope and Rose went to stand in the middle while Charin, Jungkook, and Mei sat on the floor.

The music played...

Credit to 1MILLION

Jk: I think the battle will be really perfect.

Charin: Your performance is really cool but not as romantic as us.

Charin and Jungkook got up.

Rose: Let us see what your romantic performance means lovebird.

Charin: Unnie!!!

She whined as the unnie teased her.

The music played...

Credit to 1MILLION

End of the song they were panting so much.

Rose: Okay I admit is romantic.

JH: Yeah it is... What do you think Mei?

Mei: Uhm It's pretty romantic...


They practiced until 12:35 am.

Charin: It's time to eat now!!

Rose: Charin is hungry let's go eat guys.

They went out of the building. They walked in the street searching for a restaurant.

JH: How about fast food?

Charin: Let's go oppa~

They went to a fast food and ordered their food.

Charin: I want a hamburger, one coke, and french fries, please...

JH: How about you Jungkook what do you want?

JK: Same as her.

JH: And you Mei?

Mei: Same as him...

They took the plate and walked to a seat.

They sat like this:

J-hope JK

Rose Charin Mei

They started to eat.

🐰Jungkook's POV

As always when I looked at Charin she has some sauce on her lips. I took some tissue and wept the sauce for her. She was surprised and stopped eating, her eyes locked with mine.

Rose: Okay... I think her lips are dry now...

I turned my glance to Rose then back to Charin. I let go and gave the tissue to her.

Mei: Ohh!

Mei spilled her coke on her clothes. I gave her some tissue.

Charin: Let's go to the toilet and clean this.

Charin helped Mei and went to the toilet.

🐷Charin's POV

We entered the toilet. I took the tissue and wet them in the water. I rubbed on her skin as the coke become sticky.

Me: Is it okay now?

I asked her while throwing the tissue in the bin.

Mei: Yes thank you unnie.

Me: You're welcome.

I washed my hand and she did.

Mei: You two look so close...

Me: What do you mean?

Mei: I mean you and Jungkook oppa look really close to each other...

I chuckled and put some soap.

Me: In your point of view maybe we are. But we normally always fighting.

She dried her hand with the dryer.

Mei: I wish I could be in your place.

With that, she went out of the toilet, left me thinking about what she means.

' I wish I could be in your place.' What does she mean?









End of part XIV

Thank you so much for reading!!


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