XXVIII- This Chubby!!

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🐰Jungkook's POV

She leanded more close to my face and stopped in a distance.

Charin: I love you...... Brownie.

Then she passed out on my shoulder.

Me: Charin!!

Charin: .....

She was already asleep.

She made all those scenes just to say that she loves her puppy?

Aishhh!!! This Chubby!!!

I slid myself off her body and replaced her in a good position.

Me: I never know that you're really annoying when you're drunk...

I covered her with the blanket. I smile appeared on my face when I poked her cheek.

Aww so cute!

I caressed her cheek as she smiled in her sleep.

Me: I don't know what did I do to you making you try to avoid me... But I missed the old Charin.

I sighed and got up.

I placed her bag on the couch and turn off the light. I walked out of her room and closed it without making any sound.

When I turned around I saw Mei.

Me: Ahh! Kamjagiya!

Mei: Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!

Me: It's okay but what are you doing? Aren't going to sleep? It's like 1 in the morning now.

Mei: I am going but before that Junho oppa told me to go check if everyone is in their room. So that's why I'm here..

Me: Okay... Do you want me to walk you to your room then?

Mei: No thank you...

Me: Nah let me do it. Imagine someone does something to you?


In front of her room.

Mei: Thank you so much oppa!

Me: My pleasure. Good night!

Mei: You too oppa!

I went to my room and got in. I laid on the bed while thinking about Charin.

' I missed you Jungkook, I'm didn't mean to ignore you.. I didn't mean to make you mad! I was also mad at myself to avoid you! But I have to do this because... '

Me: Because of what?? Those she really means what she said? There is something that I don't know... Why don't you told me about your problem Charin??..

I got up and went in the bathroom taking a long bath.


🐷Charin's POV

I woke up with the sound of my phone ringing.

Me: Uggrh!!

I tried to reach the nightstand but then I realized that I wasn't in my room.

Me: Where is my phone?

I got up and followed the sound of my phone. I found my bag and took my phone then answered.

Me: Hello...

I said in a sleepy tone.

Jisoo: Charin-ah wake up! We will eat lunch in the restaurant before leaving.

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