VII- Myeongdong street

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Author's POV

They went out and took a taxi to Myeongdong.

They reached the place and got out. Charin wore her mask and looked at Jungkook.

Charin: Jungkook!!

Jk: what??

Charin: your mask!

Jk: oh yeah I forgot it.

He wore his mask and they walked on the street. They saw the street food and went to buy some.

Jk: ajumma, 2 bowls of teokbokki, please.

Ajumma: Here for you.

JK&Charin: thank you!!

Ajumma: You are a cute couple you know?

Charin: we are not.

Jungkook cut her and responded.

Jk: we are, thank you for your compliment goodbye.

They walked away. Charin hit his arm.

Charin: Why did you say that?

Jk: why? don't you like it? I see you were blushing...

Charin: I wasn't.

She played with the chopstick.

Jk: Are you sure?

He raised his eyebrows.

Charin: Aishh

Charin walked away from Jungkook and he followed her behind.


🐰Jungkook's POV

Charin seems to be really happy. She walked the side to side and looked at every shop on the street. Seeing her happy like that makes me feel happy too. I just followed her, she suddenly stopped at a plush shop. The first thing that attired her attention was a little girl crying in front of the store. Charin approached her.

Charin: Are you okay baby? Why are you crying?

She leaned down to her level.

Girl: I can't talk to a stranger...

Charin chuckled before responding.

Charin: you're right! So I'm Charin and he is Jungkook, now we are not strangers.

I looked at her in 'Are you serious?' look.

Charin: can you tell me why are you crying?

Girl: I'm lost I don't know where is my mom...

Charin pulled her into a hug to calm her down.

Is this really Charin that I used to know?

Charin: don't worry we will help you find her. But I want to know your name first.

Girl: my name is Kim Ara...

Charin: let's go find your mom together Ara!

We held Ara's hand and walked away. We walked to the police station, we said that Ara was lost and the police asked for her information. After a while he called someone, we heard a person crying from outside.

?: Ara-ah where were you!

It was her mom so Ara ran to her.

Mom: thank you for helping my daughter.

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