XXX- Guilty

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Author's POV

For the dinner, they ate ramyeon homemade.

All the members were in the dining room but Charin and Mei were the last to come down.

Charin: What is the dish today?

She asked while walking into the dining room.

JK: Don't you have eyes to see some bowls of ramyeon?

Charin: I do have eyes but I just want to ask!

Charin went to sit on the opposite side of Jungkook while Mei next to him.

They started to eat.

Lisa: Make sure to finish your luggage tonight as we travel in the morning..

Jin: Don't forget to bring everything important with you.

All: Nae.

JK: Wait our flight is in the morning?

Jennie: Yeah at 8 am so we have to be ready at 6. Didn't Charin told you?

JK: Tell me what?

JM: She went to your room to gave you your ticket didn't she?

Charin: I did but...

Suga: But what?

Charin: But he wasn't in his room so I place the ticket on the table and left so I didn't tell him...

She didn't want the member to worry about the argument between her and Jungkook so she decided to lie.


The dinner ended, they went back to their room to packed their thing. Mei wasn't in her room but she made her way to Jungkook's room again.

She knocked on his door and it opened.

Jk: Do you need something?

Mei: Can I come in? I want to talk...

Jungkook made a step backward for her to come in. She went inside while he closed his door, she turned to him and asked him.

Mei: Oppa did you and Charin unnie fight?

Jungkook sighed before nodding and looked down. A smile appeared on Mei's face.

Mei: Why fight?

JK: She broke my frame and there was my family photo.

Mei stopped thinking.

'The frame? Haha, I didn't plan this but it actually works! You are a genius, Mei.'

She thought in her head and chuckled without him seeing.

JK: This is why you are here?

Mei: I saw you guys aren't in your mood when we ate the dinner, so I was wondering if something happened to you guys...

JK: Don't worry is just a stupid argument.

Mei: Oppa... I don't want to see you like this.. I don't want to see you hate each other...

JK: I don't hate her.

Her calm face turned into a confused face.

JK: I don't hate her and I never will. Of course that I'm mad because of what she did but I could never hate her...

Mei felt hurt but didn't show and put a smile.

Mei: I hope you guys forgive each other soon.. I'll go now.

She left his room.

Jungkook stared at the table and saw the ticket of the plane. He went to pack his clothes and his things.


JK: Now I'm so thirsty.

He went off his room to the downstairs. He walked into the kitchen but he heard the maids chatting.

Maid1: You know today miss Charin and mister Jungkook had an argument.

Maid2: About what?

Maid1: I don't know either... Ah! Maybe because of the frame which was broken. But why do mister Jungkook have to be mad at her?

Maid2: What do you mean?

Maid1: I mean miss Charin wasn't the one who broke it. When she entered his room the frame was already on the floor... I saw it with my own eyes.

Jungkook felt guilty for yelling at her. After hearing this he wasn't thirsty anymore. He went back to his room, trying to understand the situation.

JK: So she didn't do anything and I was blaming and yelling at her for no reason. Great Jungkook great! How can I apology after all I said?


[In the morning of the next day]

(5:55 a.m)

All of them were already in the big living room waiting for the van and managers.

When the van came they quickly got in not wanting to wast the time. The long drive, everybody was asleep except for him, Jungkook. He was trying to apologize to her but he couldn't.

JM: What's your problem again?

Jungkook was scared by the sudden speak of the older.

JK: I want to apologize to her for being mad without reason but don't know how...

JM: Well good luck to you she isn't a type to forgive someone easily. I remember when I argue with her and it turned out that it was my fault she didn't talk to me for a whole week.

JK: Thank you so much for your good help hyung.

JM: But you can try... maybe she will or will not forgive you...









End of part XXX

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Thank you so much for reading!!
Hope the story is not that boring... Saranghae.


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