V- Meeting

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Author's POV

[11 a.m at Bighit]

They reached the building and went in. They entered the elevator to the second floor. They knocked on the door of the meeting room and enter. Pd nim was waiting for them.

All: Annyeong-haseyo!

They bowed and took a seat.

Pd nim: hello, I want to meet you guys today because I have a good news to tell you guys.

RM: what's the good news Pd nim?

Pd nim: we will organize a new concert tour!!


The members shouted as they were shocked.

Pd nim: yes...Is there a probl...

All: YEAHH!!!

They were clapping and cheering. Pd nim was surprised at their reaction.

Pd nim: ok bequiet, please... So we will organize a concert tour but we don't have a name for the concert yet. Do you have any idea?

The room was silent, They were thinking.

Tae: Me! How about BTS&Blackpink concert???

He said proudly and the other looked at him.

Jimin: did he know that he was not the only one who thought about this name?

Jimin whispered to Jungkook and the younger shrugged.

Charin: I have one! How about K&Q concert tour?

Jennie: K&Q?

Charin: yeah K, King for BTS and...Q, Queen for Blackpink...

She said softly the last part, hoping the members will like it.

Jk: I like it!

Everybody turned to him, for the first time Jungkook agree with Charin.

Jimin: I like it too!

Jimin said to distract the other.

Pd nim: ok so who vote for this name?

They all raised their hand.

Pd nim: now we have a name. What's about the concept? Any idea?

Jisoo: If we exchange our role? For example, BTS become Blackpink and inverse.

Suga: that's mean we had to wear girl clothes? No way... I won't let this happen again.

The members laughed at Suga.

Jk: what if we do battles? Vocal battle, dance battle, rap battle... something like that...

Suga: I prefer Jungkook's idea.

Pd nim: me too, who agree with this concept?

They all agree.


[12:25 p.m in the meeting room]

Pd nim: that's all for today. Since you don't have anything after this you can go where you want, you're free.

All: Ne Pd nim annyeong-haseyo

They walked out of the room and took the same ways as they came.

Jennie: So what are we going to do? For me, I just want to go home.

Jisoo: me too

Suga: I want to take a nap.

Jimin: Tae and me, we are going to play video games.

JH: I have to teach the choreography to RM and Jin hyung.

Lisa: I plan to go to the mall with Rose and Charin.

Jk: I will go with you, I want to buy some new shirt.

Jisoo: ok then see you guys at the mansion. Comeback before 8 pm ok?

Maknae: Nae!!

"Bye" They waved to each other and went to their way.









End of part V

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