XXXVII- Why did you?

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🐷Charin's POV

We have a go to a show again. The rumor was still in the social media but I pretended to don't see them. A lot of anti-fans hates me, I can accept that but they can't hate Jackson oppa for doing anything.

I asked him if he was okay, he told me not to worry too much cause the hates doesn't make any affection for him.

I have changed my clothes, we got ready for the show and went up to the stage.

Staff: We will start now!

The camera started to record, the crowd screamed. The camera reached the idols and they waved.

Mc: Please welcome Bts and Blackpink in the Tonight show!!


The show ended happily, the fans have given us some gift even we said that they don't have to but they still insisted. We went back to our changing room. When we walked to the room my members suddenly stopped.

Lisa: I need to use the washroom.

Three: Me too!

They all went into the washroom and left me in front of the door.

Me: Unnie I'll go into the changing room first!

I shouted to them and they replied 'okay', I headed to the changing room. Before I could get in I heard someone talking.

???: You did a good job. The rumor of Charin and Jackson appeared on every news. I'll pay you, of course, don't worry I-

I cut her off and went inside.

Me: So you're the one who did this?

Mei was shocked to see me, I approached her slowly.

Me: Why did you do this?

I tried to not get angry so I asked her calmly.

Mei: I didn't do anything..

Me: Stop your innocence, Mei! I heard everything that you said on your phone! I don't understand why? Why do you have to do all of this?

Mei: I didn't do anything Unnie.

Me: Stop saying that you didn't do anything! I thought of you like my donsaeng but I was wrong! Why did you do that to my career!

Mei: What if I do more than that since the start?...

Me: What?

Mei: I love Jungkook oppa but you! You! You take him away from me! So I did everything to break your relationship! I want to get you out of his life! And I'll do more than this rumor just watch!

Me: MEI!

I lifted my hand to slap her, she flinched and closed her eyes. But I stopped my hand before it could reach her cheek. She was confused that nothing happened and opened up.

Me: I don't want my hand to get dirty..

With that, I took my clothes and left the room.

Mei: Huh. Thank you for making my plan more easier.


Author's POV

After the accident, Charin didn't talk to anyone. She felt lost, what does she do to deserve all of this?

When they reached the house, Charin as always went to her room and locked herself.

She sat on her bed while thinking about her life. Brownie, seeing his owner like this went to her and sat on her laps.

CR: What is it Brownie?

The puppy made some sad sound.

CR: I'm okay Brownie...

A tear fell from her eye, she quickly wept it. Someone came and knocked on her door.

JM: Charin the dinner is ready!

CR: I'm not hungry!

JK: Liar you just whined to me in the show that you were hungry.

She put her puppy to the side and to open the door.

CR: Oppa...

The two men were surprised by her sad face. Jimin and Jungkook got in her room, the first thing that she did was hugged her brother.

Me: Oppa I'm so tired of this...

She cried her heart out.

After five minutes.

JM: Shhh stop crying okay? Let's go and eat the dinner, if not Jin hyung will be upset.

CR: But I don't want to...

JM: Please Charin just for me...

She got up and held her brother's arm. Jimin smiled and they walked downstairs. Of course that there was Mei, she was waiting for her love to sit next to her.

Jin: Okay as everybody is here let's eat!!

They ate the dinner together, Charin was watching across her someone that she hate after what she heard today.

Mei: I have a good news! I'll debut in 2 months!

They all applauded even Charin, but her clap was hard.

" I'm not going to let you go that easy Mei.."









End of part XXXVII

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I reached 8.6k! Thank you so much! I love you so much!
Saranghae ❤️ 


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