IX- Ramyeon

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Author's POV

[In the practice room]

After they decided to stop fighting, they started practicing. The choreography wasn't that hard, but there was a lot of skin ships and that makes them a little bit awkward.

🐷Charin's POV

We practiced. I was blushing each time when Jungkook touched me, some pose is like we were hugging. I can't even look into his eyes.


We laid on the floor since we were so tired. I closed my eyes as I was panting next to Jungkook.

Jk: I'm so tired...

Me: Me too.

The silence took over this room until I decided to break it.

Me: It's 1:45 pm... We didn't eat our lunch...

I opened my eyes and turned my head to Jungkook. He was already staring at me and I continue.

Me: I'm hungry!

Jk: Okay Miss. Let's go eat.

He got up so I did, we went into the changing room to change our sweat clothes. Then we went out of the building.

We choose to walked since there was a lot of restaurants and more on the street.

Jk: What should we eat?

Me: I want ramyeon~~

Jk: Ramyeon? In the convenience?

Me: Yup! I want to eat that.

I fastened my step to the convenience while singing.

Me: Ramyeon~ramyeon is so good~ I want to eat ramyeon~~

🐰Jungkook's POV

Charin: Ramyeon~ramyeon is so good~ I want to eat ramyeon~~

Is she 5 years old?... But well she is childish but in a cute way...How can she-

Charin: Quick Jungkook! We are here.

I ran to her and we entered the market. Charin and I went directly to the food zone as we came in this market since we were a trainee. Charin took two ramyeon and gave one to me when she walked to find something else.

Me: Why did you give me this ramyeon?

I asked her while following her to the refrigerator.

Charin: Cause I know that you like it.

Me: How did you know?

She chuckled before replied.

Charin: Well I know everything about you Jungkook...

She smiled at me. I froze. 'I know everything about you Jungkook...' S-she does? She knows everything about you Jungkook??

Charin: Here...

She gave me a sausage and a cheese, I looked at them before lifting my head to her.

Charin: I know you love to eat this ramyeon with some sausage and cheese.

Me: I didn't know that you care about me.

I decided to tease her and that works. Her eyes widened and her cheek blushed.

Charin: I-I'm not!

I raised my eyebrows and smirked as she stuttered.

Charin: I-I just...know all of this because.....because Jimin oppa told me! It was Jimin oppa who told me this...I'm telling you the truth-

Me: Okay...okay... I believe you.

I went to the cashier with my things. The cashier scanned the article then Charin came. She has many snacks in her arms, she puts them on the cashier with my thing. Since there were so many clients so I quickly paid. We took our thing and went to make our ramyeon then we sat on a table in front of the convenience.

Me: Why did you buy so much?

Charin: Because I want to make sure to have something to eat and not being craving when I'm hungry...

She blows the ramyeon before eating it.

Me: You're not the one who paid for it but I was! And that's my money I-

Charin: You're a man aren't you?

Here she started with this sentence again...

Charin: So that's normal...

I clenched my jaw as I can't say anything so I ate my ramyeon.









End of part IX

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