XXXIII- Allergic

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Author's POV

Bts and Blackpink were in the backstage, waiting for coming on stage.

The Chinese fans were really impatient to see their idols. When they announced to come out, the fans went crazy, they cheered and screamed for them.

They sat on a chair with their microphones in hand. The Mc was here and also the translator.

Mc: Hello Bts and Blackpink how are you doing?

RM: We are doing fine thank you.

Mc: So you guys just arrived this morning am I right?

Jisoo: Yes we just arrived, we just went to our hotel to get some rest and then we came here.

Mc: Are you tired then?

Charin: We are but for the fans, we have to.

The fans were screaming again by Charin's word.

Mc: Okay now we should do some Q&A are you ready for that.

All: Yeah!

Mc: First fan, please!

Fan: I love you so much and I want to know that have you already fight?

Jin: Umm that's a good question. Yes, we have, that's normal though. We live in the same house, doing things together, of course, we always fought.

Charin and Jungkook glared at each other like this is a fact.

Mc: Next!


MC: Okay now, it's time for the fans who are waiting for this moment since this meeting. The fansign!!


The staff came with a long table. Bts and Blackpink approached the table, they took a marker ready for the fans.

One by one went up on stage and sat across their idol. Some have some gift for them, some food some plushes, some cute thing...

After the fansign, the idols went back to the backstage and waited for the staff to pack all the gifts.

They went into a van and drove to the concert place.

They did the practice, checked the light, the music, etc...

They were in the changing room, all of them were dressed and did their make up. Charin was alone in the corner, sitting on the sofa.

🐷Charin's POV

I played some game on my phone while waiting for my turn. I played until someone came and interrupted me.

Mei: Unnie...

Me: Ye?

I looked up from my phone.

Mei: I saw this food of the fan...

She handed me a plate of dessert.

Mei: You should eat it before it gets obsolete...

Me: Sure!

I took the box and saw a cake really cute. I took out the little spoon and ate it.

Me: Hmm what cake it is?

Mei: I don't know either.

Me: Anyway it's so good.

I finished the cake and threw the box in the bin.

Makeup artist: Charin is your turn !!

Me: Nae !!

I turned to Mei.

Me: I'll go now!

She nodded and I went to the makeup artist.

After some minutes, I felt dizzy.

Artist: Are you ok Charin?

Me: Umm? Nae!

I smiled at her and she put some lipstick on my lips. She noticed that my face went red but I told her that I felt hot that's why.

She has finished my makeup, I got up from the seat and walked to the door but I couldn't make it. I fell down and everything went black.

Author's POV

When Charin fell it makes a big sound so the makeup artist turned her head to see what's happening.

Artist: OMG !!! CHARIN!!

She shouted it loud while checking up her pulse. The door of the room opened and revealed the Blackpink.

Rose: OMG what happened??

Lisa: I'll call the manager!

Everything was in a rush. The manager came and called the hospital. Charin was carried to the hospital car and they drove out to the hospital.

🐰Jungkook's POV

I was waiting in front of her room with the members, after an hour the doctor came out.

Mina: How is she doing doctor?

Dr: Don't worry she is fine now.

We sighed in relief.

Jimin: So what happened to her? Why did she pass out?

Dr: It's because of her allergic. She ate something with strawberry that's why...

Junho: Can we see her?

Dr: Of course you can.

We went inside and saw her figure on the bed, the heartbeat machine just near to her. She looked so bad, she's pale.

Jimin hyung approached her and held her hand.

JM: Who made you eat that thing??


Mina: Sorry it's Pd nim.

She went out to answer the call.

Jennie: Who it can be? It must be someone not close to her as she/he makes her eat something that she is allergies...

Suga: We don't have to know who it is. Just Charin is fine it's already great.

Mina: Sorry guys to say this but Pd nim want you to go back to the concert.


Mina: We can't make the fans disappointed...

Junho: Let's go then.

We slowly made our step out of the room, I didn't want to leave her like that...

???'s POV

I've told you didn't I? Haha, I love to see you suffer like this!! Let see what can I do more...😏









End of part XXXIII

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