III- Show music core

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Author's POV

They arrived and got out the van. They quickly went in the building of the 'Show music core' and went to their dressing room.

BTS will perform 'Not Today'.

Blackpink will perform 'As if it's your last'.


They got dressed and went to the backstage. The first performing was the boys. They went to the stage and got ready.

BTS 'Not Today' Show music core.

While the boys performed Blackpink could watch them from the screen.

🐷Charin's POV

We were watching BTS.

Jisoo: The boys are really cool.

Jennie: Yeah. Their rap is the best.

Lisa: The choreography is so hard.

Rose: The vocal line is so sexy.

Yeah, Jungkook is so sexy...I mumbled.

Jisoo: What did you say Maknae? Did I say too loud?

Me: I-I said that Taehyung oppa is so sexy...


They perform ended and they went back to the backstage. Is now our turn. We went to the stage.

Blackpink ' As if it's your last' Show music core.


We watched them while taking our breath.

Jin: Wah...that's my girls.

Tae&JH: Blackpink in your area~

Suga: Charin-ah~

Charin is so hot..

RM: Charin is so beautiful and talented.

Jk: Yeah she is..

The hyungs looked at me. Why did you say that man?

Jk: I-um I mean of course she is if not she couldn't be an idol.

Jimin: Kookie is right.

Jimin hyung winked at me and I sighed.

We went to change in the dressing room.


Author's POV

Blackpink finished and went to the dressing room. They got changed.

Junho: Blackpink and BTS please get in the van we will leave in 5 min

Junho informed them.

They went out of the building and got in the van. They sat in the same seat.

🐷Charin's POV

Me: I'm so excited to meet the fans.

Jk: You're excited cause you know that they will give you foods...

Me: Yah!

I hit his shoulder.

Jk: Ahh it's hurt..

Me: I didn't hit you that hard.

Jk: If you know that I let you slept on my shoulder for an hour you would not say that..

He massaged his shoulder.

Me: You let me sleep on your shoulder? Why didn't you woke me up then?

Jimin: Cause he knows that you were tired.

I didn't know that he could be a gentleman. I felt guilty.

Me: I-I'm sorry..and thanks..

He just nodded.

Me: For return let me massage your shoulder.

I massaged his shoulder.

Jk: That's better keep going.

Aish!! The gentleman turns back to a devil...









End of part III

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