XXIX- It wasn't me

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Author's POV

They went into the house.

Like every time before they go for a trip, there will be some maid who comes to clean the house.

The maids were two old women who work for Bighit, so the idols know them and trust them since.

Mei went upstairs to the 2nd floor.

Mei: Oppa?

She knocked on Jungkook's door but no response.

Mei: So no one is in the room...

She entered like it was her room. Observing all his things, until her eyes caught a frame.

She took it.

Mei: Jungkook oppa and his family when he was little is so cute~

She was about to replace the frame from where she took but her hand slipped and the frame fell.


Mei: F**k

The frame broke into pieces. Instead of cleaning what she has done, she opened the door checking if someone was there and walked out.

A maid walked out of J-hope's room after cleaning his room and saw her running away.

Maid: What's with her?


Mina: Here your ticket. The flight will be tomorrow at 8 a.m so I want you to be ready at 6 a.m. Understand?

All: Nae!

Junho: Why isn't Jungkook here?

Suga: Maybe in his bathroom...

Junho: Then Charin can you give the ticket to him?

Charin: Uh nae.

The members went back to what they were doing while Charin went up to Jungkook's room.

🐷Charin's POV

I walked past the Bts's living and saw the maid.

Me: Let me help you ajumma!

I helped her by pushing the sofa back to the place.

Maid: Thank you, Miss Charin.

Me: You're welcome. I'll go to Jungkook's room, is he here?

Maid: I don't think so...

Me: I'll go then.

I walked to his room and knocked on it because I'm polite.

Me: Jungkook!!

No replied. I opened the door and went in.

Me: Ohh?

I approached the thing on the floor. I saw the frame of his family laying on the floor in many pieces.

Me: OMG who did this?

As I shouted, the maid came right inside the room and scanned the room.

Maid: What happen miss? Oh!

She stopped talking when she saw the frame laying on the floor. She was about to pick up.

Me: No ajumma! Let me do it. Can you just get me the bin, please?

The maid nodded and went out.

I place the ticket on his table and slowly picked up piece by piece. Suddenly a person came into the room.

Jk: What are you-

I looked at him, I could see the anger in his eyes while he came toward me. He pushed me to the side making me fell on my butt, the piece in my hand cut my finger.

Me: !!!

He didn't bother to look at me and picked the photo up. I got up while holding my bleed finger.

Me: Yah why did-

He cut me off.

Jk: What the f**k do you think you're doing?

Me: I didn't do anything...

Jk: What is this then?

He pointed to the floor.

Me: It wasn't me.

A giggle left his mouth.

Jk: I thought you are my friend. But I was wrong, I forgot that Park Charin always want to win. This is too much Charin! Why do you have to do this to my precious thing???

Me: I didn't-

Jk: I know you so well Charin! You know how much my parent means to me! Look what you've done!!

I was mad because he never let me explain. How can he think that I'm like that?

Me: But let me-

Jk: I don't want to hear anything! GET OUT OF MY F***ING ROOM!!!

I clenched my jaw.

What did I do?

But without a word, I left his room and slammed the door.

I walked out of his room in tears. I ran but then I bumped into the maid.

Maid: What happen miss??

I shook my head and passed her. I headed to my room and ran into my bathroom.

I closed the door and let my body fell on the floor. I hugged my knees while crying because of his word.

Me: Why did he have to yell at me? I didn't do anything...It wasn't me who broke his frame...

'I thought you are my friend. But I was wrong, I forgot that Park Charin always want to win. This is too much Charin! Why do you have to do this to my precious thing???' So he really meant that...

I glanced at my bleed finger.

Me: Did he even know that this is his fault?

I got up, walked to the shelves and took the kit aid. I cleaned my finger and put on a plaster.

🐰Jungkook's POV

I didn't know that she didn't change. After all, I thought she was my friend but no...

After she left my room I looked at the mess in my room.

Then someone knocked on my door.

Maid: Mister Jungkook...

JK: Nae...

Maid: I have to clean the mess in your room can I come in?

JK: Sure.

She came inside with a bin, picking all the piece of the glasses and I helped her.

I took up piece by piece but then I saw some piece covered with blood.

Me: Is it yours?

Maid: Oh? No...

Who could this be?









End of part XXIX

Thank you so much for reading. I reached the 3++k this is so crazy for a beginner like me. Thank you so much. Saranghae!!


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