XIII- Dinner

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🐷Charin's POV

I was in the kitchen with Jin oppa making the dinner. He let me cut the vegetable while he prepared the steak.

Me: Oppa... What do you think about...Mei?

I asked Jin oppa as I was curious.

Jin: Why are you asking?

Why does he have to ask me back?

Me: I just wanna know...

Jin: Well...I think...she is a really cute and polite girl. I believe that she can be a good idol in the future.

I nodded.

Jin oppa is right. Maybe we just thought too much about her weirdest so we couldn't see her other side...

I was thinking about Mei. Without paying attention to the vegetables, I cut myself.

Me: Ah!

I held my finger as the blood started to come out.

Jin: Charin!

He took my hand and poured the water on. I groaned in pain.

Me: Ahh oppa!

Jin: Stay still Charin.

He stopped the water and then walked to the shelf and took the aid kit. He put a plaster on the wound.

Jin: Here... You don't have to help me anymore as your finger is like this.

Me: But I want to help you~

I whined cutely and of course, it works.

Jin: Okay, you can go put the table if you insist to help me.

Me: Nae!

I went into the dining room.


Jimin: Charin-ah, go sit next Jungkook.

Jimin oppa said to me as Mei will take my seat.

I went next to Jungkook and he was smiling.

Me: Why are you smiling?

Jk: Don't know. Because I feel happy...

Weird people again...

We started to eat.

Mei: It's so delicious!! Thank you so much Jin oppa!!

Jin: Well you're welcome... And I didn't make it alone, Charin helped me.

Jimin: Woah I didn't know that my clumsy sister can cook.

We laughed. I could feel Mei glaring at me the whole time.

🐰Jungkook's POV

We enjoyed the dinner together but then my eyes caught Charin's finger.

Me: What happened to your finger?

I said as I took her hand to see the plaster on her finger.

Charin: I accidentally cut myself while cutting the vegetable.

Me: Does it hurt?

Why am I so worried?

Charin: Not anymore.

RM: Are you worry Jungkook?

RM hyung said and the other turned to us.

Jisoo: Aww so cute~~

They tease me again.

Lisa/Rose: I ship KookRin!!

Jin: My babies are-

* knife fall *

We all turned to the sudden sound.

Mei: I'm sorry, my knife fall down...

She said and she took her knife.

We continue to eat, we finished and cleaned the table. We went up to our room to sleep as tomorrow we have to practice again.









End of part XIII

Thank you for reading!!😘😘


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