XV- Shower

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Author's POV

They were in the convenience store buying their things.

Charin went for some snacks. She grabbed every snack that she likes.

Jk: If you eat all of this you will get fat you know?

Charin: Thank you for your information but I don't care cause food is my life!!

Jungkook giggled at her.

Jungkook walked to the refrigerator and took some ice cream. When he turned around he was scared by Mei.

Mei: I'm sorry oppa I didn't mean to scare you.

Jk: No it's okay... Do you want some ice cream?

She nodded, he gave her one ice cream.


They walked out after paying.

Charin: Why you all have an ice cream while I don't?

She asked them as they have an ice cream in their hand.

Rose: Here you can share with me.

Charin: Unnie I'm allergic to strawberry!!

JH: Well sorry I have the same as her.

Jk: Here...

He gave her one chocolate flavor from his plastic bag.

Charin: Thanks Kookie~ You know me so well.


They arrived at the house.

JH: We are here!!

They walked into the living room, Taehyung, Jimin, RM, Jennie, and Jisoo were watching tv.

Tae: Welcome back!

Jisoo: Jin oppa wants you guys to take a shower before we eat the dinner.

Charin: Okay, we will go then.

They went up.

🐷Charin's POV

I finished showering, I wrapped myself in a towel and went to my closet to take some clothes.

Me: Charin in your area! Charin in your area~

I sang while wearing my clothes.

*Knock knock*

Me: Come in!!

I heard the door open up, I turned around while putting my tee shirt.

Me: What is it unnie-

My eyes widen.

Me: Ahhh!!!!!

I shouted as I pulled my tee shirt completely down and threw my pillow to the person.

Jk: Yah stop that!

I didn't stop my action so he approached me.

Me: Yah what are you going to do?!! Help!! Jungk-

He shut my mouth with his big hand. I struggled as he held my arms. I screamed with my mouth shut.

Jk: Stop screaming!

I didn't listen and continued.

Jk: You won't stop right?

He kissed my cheek. I stopped all my action and looked at him in shock. I shouted again, he kissed the other cheek and I stopped.

Jk: If you scream again I will kiss you but not on your cheek this time.

I looked into his eyes and nodded.

Jk: You're sure you won't scream again?

I nodded. He finally let go of me and my mouth.

Me: Yah! I just wash my face but you kiss me with your dirty lips!

Jk: If you didn't scream I wouldn't kiss your cheek either!

I rubbed my cheeks.

Me: And why are you here? Aren't you supposed to take a shower?

Jk: Exactly. I'm here to take a shower.

He walked to my bathroom. I chased him before he could step into my bathroom.

Me: You have your own bathroom in your room why you have to use mine?

Jk: It had some problem with mine, I don't have hot water.

Me: But why mine?

He sighed as I asked too much question.

Jk: Look. I just want to take a shower okay, I won't mess your bathroom I promise.

He went in and took a shower.


He finally exited. He was in his tee shirt and short pants. We could see his abs as his body was still wet.

Jk: Jealous of my abs I see.

Me: Why do I have to be jealous when I have it too!

I walked out of my room to the dining room.

They were already sitting in their place.

Suga: Why you two take so long?

Me: It's because of him oppa, he came into my room to take a shower!!

Jimin: He came in your room?? Yah maknae what did you do to my sister??

Jk: I didn't do anything to her, I don't have hot water in my bathroom so I went to use in her room...

Jin: Don't worry I will fix that thing tomorrow. Now you guys can eat.


Author's POV

They planned to watch a film together after dinner so they went into the living room.

Some sat on the couch and some on the floor with the blanket.

The film started.

Charin ate her snacks that she brought from the convenience.

Charin: Who wants some snacks?

Jisoo, Suga, Jin, Jungkook raised their hand and Charin gave them except Jungkook.

Jk: Why you gave them and not me?

He asked as he didn't receive any of her snacks.

Charin: Because you don't deserve my snack..

She said and ate her snack happily. Jungkook smacked the snack from her hand and ate it.

Charin: Jungkook that's mine!

Jk: So what? I want to eat this.

RM: Be quiet! I don't understand the film.

Charin pouted and searched for another snack from her bag.









End of part XV

Thank you so much!! 150+ views it really means for me.


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