XVI- On show

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Author's POV

[ Next day ]

They went to a show to promote their concert. They were already in the set ready to record.

Staff: We will start in 5 min please be prepared.

BTS and Blackpink took a seat on the chair that the staff set for them.

Staff: 1.2.3 start!

MC: Hello everyone!!! Today I'm not alone but I have some guest. Please welcoming BTS and Blackpink!!!

Bts: 2.3 Bang-tan, hello we're Bangtanseoyeondan!!

BP: 2.3, Annyeong-haseo we are Blackpink!!

MC: It's been a long time that we didn't see you guys on the show.

RM: Yes is it, because of our schedule and our practice that's why.

MC: So we heard that you guys have a concert together? Can you tell me about it?

Jennie: The concert call ' K&Q' concert tour and the artists present at this concert will be Blackpink and BTS.

Tae: Plus the concert is very special that you guys couldn't find it anywhere.

MC: Why is it?

Suga: It's because it will have some battles.

MC: Wow that's new. Can you give us some advice about the battles?

Charin: All we can say is that it will be duo vs duo, you will have to find out by yourself by going to our concert.

MC: I really want to go too, when it will start? And where?

Jimin: The concert starts on the 1st of April 2018 in Seoul and we will go around the world.

MC: Okay, so remember the 1st April !! Now let see if ARMY and Blink have something to say.

Some comments appeared on the screen.

MC: ' Hello oppa and unnie!! I'm so excited to watch your concert!! I love you so much!!'

Lisa: Thank you so much and we are excited to see you guys too!!

MC: ' Jin oppa keep eating a lot! We all love when you eat cause you look so happy.'

Jin: Haha don't worry I won't stop eating.

MC: ' I love KookCha! Will it have some cute moment of them at the concert??'

JK: Well you have to come and see.

Charin: I guarantee that you won't be disappointed.

MC: ' Did RM broke something all this time? '

Suga: Yeah he just broke my earphone...

Lisa: And my baby palette makeup...

RM: I already said it wasn't my fault!!

They laughed at RM.

MC: ' How are Brownie and Cookie? I miss them so much!! ' Who are Brownie and Cookie?

JK: Cookie is my puppy and Brownie is Charin's puppy.

Charin: Brownie and Cookie are fine! I already miss them even I just see them this morning...

MC: You must love them so much.

JK: Yeah...She loves her puppy so much that she couldn't live without him..


MC: Okay now we will play some game.

They applauded.

MC: The game is that we will ask some questions about your member and you have to choose one member who you think is him/her by pointing to the person. Maybe you don't really understand let's try one round.

MC: Who is the most older member?

Bts and Blackpink pointed to Jin.

MC: You get it! So let's begin.

MC: Who is the scariest member?

Some pointed to Suga, some to Charin.

MC: Okay we have two members, explain why did you choose Suga?

JH: He is very scary when we wake him up, so no one wants to approach him when he's asleep.

MC: And why Charin?

Rose: When she's angry she's scarier than when we wake Suga oppa. It's like we could see the fire build in her eyes.

Charin: You overeact~

MC: Okay next question, who is the member that you ship?

Some pointed to KooCha, some LiSoo and some to NamJin.

MC: NamJin?

Rose: They are like omma and appa for us, they look really good together.

MC: KookCha?

Jisoo: You have to see when they fight, they fought for some little things but that's so cute~ I think I'm not the only one who loves them together.

MC: LiSoo?

Tae: They always do something cute together while the other member ignores them hahaha...


MC: I'm sorry to tell you guys that's now the end of the show, thank you to Bts and Blackpink for coming we really enjoy the time together. Thank you for watching, see you guys next week bye!!

They waved to the camera.

Staff: Ok cut! Good job!

All: Thank you so much!!

They bowed to the staff before going to the changing room.

???'s POV

Are they so close to each other? The members and the fans ship them? But maybe not for long... I'll be the one who breaks them. Jungkook is only mine.









End of part XVI

To be continued...


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