XXXVIII- Believe me

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Author's POV

Pd nim: What is this Charin???

Charin has been called by Pd nim since the morning, Charin was confused why would he called her?

CR: Yae Pd nim?

He showed her a picture, there were her and Mei but the point was that Charin was going to slap Mei.

CR: I didn't Pd nim.

Pd nim: What do you mean you didn't? The picture said it all.

CR: I just lifted my hand but I didn't slap her please believe me Pd nim.

Pd nim sighed as he couldn't do anything since the picture has been in the social media already.

Pd nim: I believe you, Charin.

The idol smiled.

Pd nim: But I'm sorry.

Her smile faded away.

Pd nim: As an idol, you can't have an attitude like this. The fans are mad at you and I think that I can't keep you anymore.

CR: What is it mean Pd nim?

Pd nim: I have to fired you out.

She stared at him blankly, she didn't think that she will go that far.

CR: No you're kidding me right? This must be a prank, right? Where is the camera? This-

Pd nim: I'm sorry Charin this is not a prank but the reality. You fired out of Blackpink...

CR: How about Blackpink then? I can't leave them like this. They are like my family please Pd nim.

Pd nim: You are responsible for your action Charin you know so right what are the rules. Please understand me too.

CR: Okay I respect your decision.

She bowed and left the office. Pd nim was also sad about this, he didn't want to fire her of her group since she is a good and talented person.

Charin got in the van and told the driver to get her home. While the car was driving she was thinking about her life after she got kicked out, she thought about how the members will say. The car stopped in front of the house, she walked out slowly like a person without a soul.

Charin walked in and saw her members in the living room, like waiting for her. She was sure that they saw the media so she went to them to not make them worry about her.

CR: Good morning everyone!

She grated the members like she wasn't sad. The members looked at her in disbelieve how can she pretended to be happy even if inside she is broken.

RM: We saw the media...

Her smile faded, she just looked down. She didn't want to talk about the accident so she made an excuse to go upstairs.

CR: I'm so tired this morning, I'll go and take some rest!

She got up and rushed to the stairs but they stopped her.

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