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One shot.

And another.

And another.

"Yo, Kook, you better slow down or you might pass out!" V says, putting down the shot glass I was holding.

We were currently at a bar and it was 12:43 am. Let me tell you the whole story to how I got here.

"Chim Chim! How'd you do that??" I  exclaimed, praising my hyung for how amazing he is at defeating the boss.

"Heh. That's a secret." Jimin-hyung says, winking at me.

A slight blush creeps into my face, and I licked my lower lip.

"Ahem, uhmm, I need to uhh, go to the bathroom." I said, standing up.

"Take me with you." He says, pausing the game.

My whole body immediately turns around and my eyes widened in shock.

D-did he just..? I mean this.. THIS IS A DREAM COME TRUE!

My lips were about to form a smile until Jimin started laughing.

"I'm kidding! Go and do whatever it is you wanted to do. I'll be here waiting." He says, turning on his phone.

"Oh.." My voice was filled with disappointment.

I always thought hyung liked me back, guess he didn't. Oh well, it's not like I even have a chance with him or anything.

After peeing, I headed straight to the living room and found, not Jimin, but a yellow sticky note attached to the TV screen.

'Kookie, someone asked me out to dinner. Go and ask Tae to play with you.'

Something inside me... something fragile inside me shattered into a million pieces.

If only I had the guts to tell him how I felt. I wouldn't be hurting as much as I am now. The tears running down my face wouldn't exist. The feeling of breaking everything around me wouldn't exist.

I crumpled the paper and huffed.

He wants me to play with Tae? Sure. I'll play with him.

Yeah, so basically, I came to this bar with Tae because I wanted to forget about my anger. But neither the girls or the drinks were helping.

I rested my head on the counter and felt tears trickle down my face.


Kookie rested his head on the counter and sobbed.

Gosh, why was this kid so heartbroken? IU told him she was taken or what?

"Kook, what's wrong?" I ask, placing a hand on his back, trying to comfort him.

"Hyung, do you support lesbians? Gays? And BIs?" He asks out of nowhere, still resting his head on the counter.

Baby|BTS Oneshots BoyxBoy [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now