Daddy's Little Boy •VKook•

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A/N: Requested by btsluvfantasy thank you so much bb ;* I hope this is okay for you <33


I held my head between my hands, hoping it would help lessen down the pain.

"Daddy, are you okay..?" Taehyung asks from behind me.

I turn my head to the side, only to be greeted by Taehyung's face inches away from mine.

I smiled.

"Yes, baby. Daddy's alright."

"Are you sure? You seem like you're having a really bad headache." He pouts, causing me to land a peck on his soft lips.

"Daddy's alright, baby boy. Go back to coloring your book." I said, patting on his head softly.

Though he didn't seem convinced, he still listened and walked back to my coffee table which was located infront of my office table.

I let out another tired sigh before going back to work.


Daddy's really tired.

He's hurting because of his head..

I need to do something.

I pouted my lips, coloring the cute cartoon cat.

As I finished and admired my own work, I couldn't help but feel the sly smile tug on my lips as the innocent picture gave me an idea.

Don't worry daddy! I'll help you take your problem away!


As the car is parked in the garage, I couldn't help but run inside the mansion.

"Lisa! Lisa!" I called out my favorite maid.

The blonde comes running from the kitchen, he irritated look being replaced by a cheerful one when she layed her eyes on me.

"Good evening Taehyung! How may I help you?" She asks in a cheerful tone.

I turn to my side, seeing Jungkook step inside the big house with a confused look written all ver his face.

"C'mon!" I whisper/yell at Lisa, pulling her inside the kitchen.

"I need help." I whispered.

"Need help form what?"

I bit my lip and felt heat spread across my face upon thinking of the clothing.

"Do you.. do you remember that cat costume you said you had..?"

And then she smiles.


I make my way up Taehyung and I's room, wondering why he was acting all secretive when we got home.

I decided to have a long warm shower, wanting to feel my tensed muscles relax.

I stripped from my suit and tie and made my way inside the bathroom, leaving the door slightly ajar.


As I dried my hair, I couldn't help but examine the stubble I had.

I leaned forward, nearing my face to the bathroom mirror as I ran a hand on my jaw ending down to my chin.

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