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Alright, now I know why my older brother didn't want to take over the family business.

"Sir, you have a meeting tomorrow 2:30, and you have to finish signing the papers by 10 in the morning tomorrow." My secretary, Jessi, informed me, adding to my head ache.

I groaned, leaning on my seat.

Why did my father have to pass it on to me?

I mentally cried, placing both my hands on my face.

"Alright, alright just- just give me some space, please." I said, trying my best to contain my anger.

She nodded slowly, walking out my office without a second glance.

There, I sat, quietly on my seat.

5 minutes didn't even pass yet and I heard another knock on my door.

I let out a tired sigh, leaning on my table, picking up my sign pen.

"Come in." I said, loud enough for the person behind the door to hear, but soft enough to avoid adding up to the pain.

The door slowly opened, revealing Taehyung, a trainee.

"Oh, Taehyung. What brings you here?" I ask, my whole day suddenly turning upside down.

A smile crept it's way to my lips, makibg me question myself.

Why the hell am I happy?

I'm supposed to be pissed, right?

What's with this shitty effect this kid have on me?

A million other questions ran my head but I decided to push them away, for now.

He shyly made his way to my desk, placing the resumes I asked for.

He was about to turn to leave, but my whole body completely acted without thought.

"Wait, stop." I said, unsure of what the hell I'm doing.

"Sir?" He asked, turning around.

I made my way around my table, still oblivious of what I'm trying to accomplish.

Instead of making my way to him, my body took a turn and I started to head for the tray full of drinks provided by my secretary.

I smiled at myself, pouring 2 cups a drink.

I handed the second glass to Taehyung who took it in his hands without hesitation.

"Something tells me you've been absorbed with your work lately." I smirked, sitting on my couch.

I tapped on the space beside me, crossing my legs.

A smirk danced on my lips as the taller one sat beside me.

I took a small sip, feeling the burning sensation glaze my throat.

Baby|BTS Oneshots BoyxBoy [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now