Pied Piper pt. 2 •YoonMin•

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For the past hour, I've found out that this guy's name is Yoongi, he's 23 and is a senior at our school.

He loves playing the piano, has a dog named Holly and treats sleep like a God.

We were both walking in the park, currently the time being 8:16 pm.

"So uhh, it's getting late, I should head home." I smiled at him, making his face drop.

"I-I was boring, was I?" He asks, making my heart break.

"What? No, no no!! Yoongi, you are a really fun guy, but I still have to head home because I have homework to do." I said, my heart skipping a beat as he pouts his pretty pink lips.

"It's okay, you don't have to lie about it—"

I cut him off by placing my lips on his, taking him by surprise.

Nonetheless, he snakes his arm around my waist and kisses back, licking my lower lip for entrance which I gladly gave.

Our lips parted after a while, the both of us gasping for air as we stared lovingly into each other's eyes.

"Don't ever say that you're boring. Tonight has been the most fun I've ever had in months!" I said, smiling at him as I cup both his cheeks with my hands.

"Thank you for tonight.." I said, putting our foreheads together.

We both stayed there, in th middle of the park, holding eachother lovingly until..

"Fuck." He groans as raindrops start to soak us both.

He takes off his leather jacket and drapes it on me, making me inhale his amazing scent which was a mixture of apples and vanilla.

Since the dorms weren't far away, we made it there in under 5 minutes.

I panted as we reached the lobby, smilin innocently at the receptionist as we headed to the elevator.

A 'ting' noise was heard and the elevator was already bringing us up from floor to floor.

As we reached my floor, we headed in the hallways and stopped infront of a white door that had the number 319 on it.

"So uhm, thanks for tonight." I smiled, handing him his jacket.

"Ah, you're welcome. Let's do it again, okay?" He asks, making me nod.

He smiles one last time before turning around.

Don't do it Jimin.

Don't do it or I swear to all mighty God..




"You're drenched and it's still raining hard. Come inside and dry up, at least until the rain stops." I said, making him turn around and smile.

"Whatever you say, Mr. Park." He winks at me, making my face heat up.

"Come in." I invite, closing the door behind him as he stepped in.

I lead him to my bedroom, taking his wet jacket from his grasp.

"I'll hang this to dry. You take a bath so you won't get a cold and a fresh set of clothes will be waiting for you." I said, walking out the room.

"Hey Jimin?"


"Thank you."

He smiles, making my stomach do backflips.

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