Gag •TaeGi•

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Requested by: Taes_queen_  thank you for requesting I love you so much thank you so much for the support and you life-lifting comments— ohmygosh I'm in love😍



"C'mon Tae! Let's go, it'll be fun.."

They said...

"You won't regret it."

They said...

Then why the hell am I frowning like there's no tomorrow?

"Tae. Smile. You look like someone made you watch them cook Tannie." Jin hyung said, making my thoughts go back to my fluffy puppy.

I frowned even more.

Jin simply shrugged me off and went back to the guys, talking about their experience during the fan meet.

Everyone else was talking, but Yoongi.

"Babe." I called him but he didn't move.

Is he ignoring me?

"Babe." I made my voice a bit louder but he was still in a daze.

What the hell is he looking at?

With that thought in mind, I followed his gaze and mine fell on Jimin's ass.

I furrowed my eye brows.

"Min yoongi." I growled, finally catching his attention.

"Oh? Yes babe?" He asks, finally being snapped out of his thoughts.

"What were you thinking of?" I ask.

His pale face turns a bright red, making me scoff.

"Nothing, just... let's just have fun, 'kay? We've been really tired with tour and this is the only time we get to let loose." He said, smiling at me but I was not having it.

How dare he stare at my best friend's ass?

I rolld my eyes, standig up from my seat beside him.

"Hey, where are you going—"

"Kook, let's go get another drink?" I called out for Jungkook.

He simply nods at me and we made our way to the bar.

"What's going on now?" Jungkook asks, ordering a shot.


"Hyung, we lived together for more than five years. Tell me what's wrong." He said, not meeting my gaze.

The barista hands our drinks together and as Jungkook takes a sip if his, I decided to spill it.

"I saw Yoongi staring at Jimin's ass."

Jungkook choked.

"I know, shocking right?" I chuckled bitterly, rolling my eyes in sass.

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