TaeGi《Promise》 pt. 2

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Finally! I'm back at school!

After my incident, I told the doctor to never mention about my sickness to Taehyung ever again.

"Yoongi-hyung!" I turned around to see who it was calling me- Jimin.

"Oh, hey Chim. What's up?" I asked, high-fiving the younger one.

"Oh, Jungkook wanted to meet you at the library. He asked if you could tutor him." Jimin smiled, making me chuckle.

"Of course! What time? After class?" I asked and he started to head back.

"You know it." He winked at me, making me laugh.

Gosh, at least, they treat me like family... one that I've, never had before...

I shrugged off my thoughts and started to head to the classroom.


I stretched out my arms and let out a tired sigh.

"Thank God classes are over!" I exclaimed.

"Well, you look tired. You should get home." Tae's voice came from behind, making me turn around.

"Well, as much as I'd like to do that, I can't. I have to tutor Jungkookie. I might be home at eight." I informed him, taking out two of my notebooks.

"Okay well, goodluck with that kid." Tae jokes, kissing my forehead.

"I will. You go home safely, okay?" I called out and he simply winks at me.

This simple action of his sent shivers down my spine and butterflies in my stomach.

I smiled in satisfactation, turning around.

I started to head back inside the building and to the library.

There were only a few students in there. I scanned the whole room once and spotted Jungkook at the corner of the room.

I smiled and headed towards the one coconut head who always made me smile no matter what.

"Hey Kook, you wanted me to tutor you?" I asked, taking an empty seat.

"Oh! Hey Hyung. Yeah, I'm having trouble with Science. Mind helping me with it?" He asked, taking out his text book and finally keeping his phone.

"No I don't. What part are you guys in?"

For the whole night, I explained to Jungkook the definition of each term that he was having trouble with. I also told him a secret on how to memorise words and definitions easily.

"Okay, let's have that for tonight." I said, closing my notebook.

We both stood up and started to keep our stuff, until I heard a snap from behind the bookshelves.

I turned around to see what or who it was, but only saw darkness.

"Hyung, you okay?" Jungkook asks, making me snap out of my thoughts.

"H-huh? Oh, yeah sure. C'mon. Jin will kill me if I brought you home late." I said, taking Jungkook by the hand.

We stepped out the library and started to head to the dorms.

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