Glasses •TaeKook•

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A/N: Sorry for not updating, it's because NOBODY'S REQUESTING not that I'm complaining •~•


Have you ever just stared at someone and think..

I fucking hate him.

I narrowed my eyes at the boy sitting beside the teacher, arranging all the papers we just passed.

"Kook? Are you listening?" Jimin shakes my arm, making me raise my brows at him.

Jimin simply rolls his eyes and lets out an annoyed huff.

"My voice was already so loud! How were you still able to get lost in Taehyung's face?" Jimin asks, making me scoff.

"Me? Getting lost at his face?" I ask, pointing my index finger at the, call me a bully but, nerd infront of me.

Jimin rolls his eyes again, makin a vein pop in my head.

"Yeah, keep rolling your eyes. Maybe you'll find a brain back there." I scoffed at him, earning a gasp and a painful slap on my arm.

"You have to stop danying and start accepting. You like the kid. It's written all over your face."

My face scrunched up when Jimin finished his sentence.

"I, Jeon Jungkook, do not like Kin Taehyung. My standards are too high for the kid. He is as low as his voice." I said, leaning back on my chair.

"Well that's rude." Another voice, not Jimin's squeaky one, inserted in our conversation.

I looked up to see Taehyung glaring down at me, gripping down on the stack of papers neatly complied by him.

"What?" I ask bluntly.

He sighs and raises an intimidating brow.

"The teacher wanted you to help me." He said, handing me the stack of papers.

"You've got two hands and two legs. I don't see a reason as to why I should help you out." I spat, closing my eyes.

I loud 'thud' made me jump from my seat.

"Yeah. Exactly. I only have two hands. And if I would like to bring this stack of papers as well as two other boxes, then I'd have to have four." He sneers at me, making me look behind him.

He was right.

There were two boxes sitting on the teacher's table.

I sighed and looked back up at him.

"You can do that yourself. Just come back as soon as you finish delivering the boxes." I said, earning a glare from him.

Well that's sexy..

"Listen here Jungkook. I'm your hyung. You do not talk back to your hyung. If you don't want to get introuble for disrespect, you better come and help me." He said, his voice cold and stern.

My smirk faltered for a bit, but I quickly regained my over-boosted ego.

Who knew the school's nerd could be so hot?

"Alright. I'll help you out." I said, standing up.

He smiles and bows at 90 degrees before turning around to pick up the boxes.

"What's in those boxes?" I ask.


"Aren't those heavy?"

"Yes. But I asked you for help so it'll be a bit rude for me to let you carry the heavy ones."

He smiled at me with his famous boxy smile, heading out the door.

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