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Waking up next to Jin has always made my day. I knew that if I woke up next to him everyday, then I'd be blessed with goodluck.

"Jin, Jin. Wake up, let's have breakfast." I said, shaking him a little.

His eyes fluttered open and as soon as they layed on me, the happiness in them was completely lost.

My smile faltered a bit, but decided to shrug it off.

"C'mon, I'll make pancakes." I said, standing up from the bed.

I put on a shirt and started to head downstairs, but was stopped when Jin called for me.

"Namjoon." He calls out, making me turn around.

"Yeah?" I asked, walking back towards him.

As I got closer, the frown displaying on his lips became clearer.

"Aren't you ever planning to tell your fans about us?" He asked, making me frown at him back.

"Jin, I told you, I don't like it when you open up these kinds of conversations." I said, turning around.

"Well neither do I! But I feel like it's an important thing to do, or else, I'll just feel like waking up next to you is like waking up to a stranger after a one night stand. I can't do this, Joon. Am I even important to you?" He says, almost like he was shouting at me.

The question that fell out of his mouth made my heart stop.

"O-of course you're important to me! I love you witg all my heart and I don't think I can survive a second without you!" I threw back, walking towards him, squeezing his hands.

"If you really do love me, and if I'm really that important to you, then you are not afraid to tell the world about our relationship." He says, tears streaming down his face.

"Babe, you know about my fans. They'll hate me if they find out that I'm gay- that I'm no longer taken!" I say, still squeezing his hands.

He threw my hands away quite harshly and looked at me with an icy glare. His eyes were red from crying and his knuckles were formed in a tight fist, causing them to turn white.

"If they really are your fans, then they shouldn't care about your sexuality. They'd respect you." He says, walking over to the table on my bed.

He started to place his things that he brought from last night, inside his backpack and he wore his denim jacket.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked, as tears started to stream down my face.

"Unless you fix this problem of yours and man up and tell your fans about us, then we're done. Don't call." He says, walking straight out the door, not even bothering to look back.

As soon as I heard my front door slam shut, I broke down into tears and started to trash my whole room.

•1 week•

It's already been a week since that break up. Well, I'm not really sure if that was really a break up, but I think what he meant was that we needed a time out.

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