Pied Piper •YoonMin•

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A/N: I haven't uploaded anything in over a week lolol I'm really sorry guys I just have terrible writer's block and I promise I'm trying my best to write T^T


Taehyung dragged me to this so called 'bar' located at the back of the school.

He claims that every Friday night, there was this hot kid from our school that would play the piano so good, you are drawn to go near him.

To follow him.

Like he's the Pied Piper.

"Tae, I don't see a hot guy on stage." I said, crossing my arms and tapping my foot impatiently.

"But Chim! Just wait a bit more! I'm sure he's here! Maybe he's just running late.." Tae convinces me, making let out an annoyed huff and sit back down on my seat.

"Whatever. You're lucky this place has good beer." I said, taking a sip from my own bottle.

Taehyung ignores my remark and scans the place, only to receive disappointment.

"You're right, we don't see a hot guy on stage. Let's go home." He gives up, making me grin.

"I'll pay!" I exclaimed, excited to get back to the dorms to do my homework.

We headed to the cashier and I payed.

Silently, we waited for the change.

As the cashier hands me the money, soft piano music started to play from behind me, mare particularly, from the stage.

I turned around and with wide eyes, stared shamelessly at a blonde boy with a snap back.

He wore the university's uniform in the color grey, meaning he was a senior.


"I know."

My gaze stayed on the boy, completely mesmerized by how he still managed to look cute while playing an instrument.

"Dude, he's not hot.." I disagree, shaking ny head a little as I stare at the pale boy.

"Oh come on! Stop lying to yourself! Obviously he's fucking ho—"

"He's gorgeous." I finished, grinning widely as I made my way to the table at the very front of the short stage.

After a few minutes of plain staring, the small crowd of costumers cheered softly and the guy politely bowed, heading to what I presume was the back stage.

This is my chance.

I thought, hurrying over to the back of the restaurant.

Smiling as I layed my eyes on him, I decided to walk up to him.

"Hi, I'm Jimin. Park Jimin." I introduced, extending my hand for him.

He eyes it for a second before shaking it, a small smile dancing on his lips.

"I came to tell you that you were absolutely amazing back there and I—"

"Cut the crap, you want my number, don't you?"

He cuts me off, making me raise an intimidating eye brow at him.

Huh. Cocky and rude.

I lowered my eyebrow and found myself smiling, no, grinning at him.

I like that.

"Hm, yeah. I do." I said confidently, stuffing my small hands in my pockets.

He smirks and chuckles darkly before taking out a cigarette pack from is pocket.

He takes a stick and places it inbetween his lips.

Gosh I wish I was that cigarette.

"Here." He says, handing me his phone.

I smiled even wider and copied the number down, handing it back to him.

"So, what are you doing later?" I ask, no longer wanting to wait.

"Hmm.. nothing, actually." He said, smoke making it's way out his mouth.

"So, I can take you out then?"

"You didn't ask me out yet."

"Alright then, wanna go out with me?"

A shocked expression played on his face as a smug one stayed on mine.



Fuck you, Kim Taehyung.

I rolled my eyes and faced my obnoxious friend from behind.

"Yes?" I ask, looking completely uninterested.

"Where'd you go?! I looked everywhere and—" He stopped himself when he saw the person behind me.

"Well, hello~"

"Shut up, I was here first. Go home and do your homework or something." I said, shooing him off.

"What? But I don't want to!" He whined, making me sigh.

I took out my pjone from my pocket and dialed that one number Taehyung dreaded for me to call.

"Hello? Mrs. Kim? Yes, I found Taehyung in a bar again. He's got a chemistry test tomorrow." I lied, eyeing Taehyung who looked as if all his blood dropped to his feet.

"Yes, yes. I'll make sure to tell him that. Goodnight Mrs. Kim."

I ended the call and looked at Taehyung who looked like he was ready to pounce.

"You little fucker—"

He was cut off by me turning his body around and pushing him.

Instead of going back, he decides to head home, not after having a little air fight.

I chuckled and turned around, facing an uninterested boy.

"So, where are we going?" He asks, making me smile widely.

No plot whatsoever lolol

Should I continue this??

Also, please request for me to continue updating until oneshot 50 cause I'll be ending the requests once I reach that.

Aaaaaand, please help me retweet my pinned tweet in twitter, my username's @Bang_Tan_Flows .. here's the link: https://twitter.com/bang_tan_flows/status/993807940644626433?s=21 https://twitter.com/Bang_Tan_Flows/status/993807940644626433

I do rtxrt and rtxfollow ily all so much!!



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