Babyboi •YoonMin•

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It's been a month since I updated lmao, sorry but this will be the last shot


I rubbed my temples as I continued typing on my computer.

"Daddy I got cake!" Jimin's squeaky voice echoed throught the room, making all the stress from my body just wash out.

I smiled widely, staring at my baby with tired eyes.

"Daddy, you look tired~ you shiuld take a rest!" Jimin says, making me chuckle as I shake my head.

"I can't, baby. I have to finish this report." I said, opening my arms as I watched him walk towads me, swaying his cute lil ass, making the skirt he was wearing lift.

"Baby you're such a tease... I'm going to lose my focus.." I said, wrapping my arms around him as he sits on my lap.

"But you need to relax, daddy~!" He whines, turning around, straddling my lap.

"Maybe later. But right now, I need to finish this." I said, averting my gaze back to my computer screen.

My fingers danced on my keyboard as I continued editing the proposal letter for the Kim&Jeon Inc.

As I was finishing up my letter, I smiled to myself, knowing I'll only need to edit the letter after.

As I leaned in to scroll back up, Jimin started moving his hips, making me let out a sigh.

"Baby, what are you doing?" I ask, making the little boy stop.

"N-nothing I just... wanted to move to a more comfortable spot..." I said, my voice becoming squeaky.

I let out yet another tired sigh and placed my hands on either side of his hips.

I looked up at my baby and looked into his eyes.

"Baby I'm almost done. Why don't you go play with Hoseokkie in the receptionist-"

"No~!" Jimin wailed, drawing his head back.

"I don't want toooooo~!" Jimin whined, now humping on Yoongi's lap.

"Baby, stop that." Yoongi said through gritted teeth.

"But daddy-"

"Baby, why are you such a brat now?" I ask, gripping tightly on his hips.

"I am not-"

"Don't lie, baby boy. You know how much I hate lying." I say, not wanting to snap at my precious baby.

"I-it's just that..." Jimin starts with a small voice.

"D-daddy has been so busy and-and has not been taking care of me and I-I need to s-satisfy my-"

"And you couldn't just wait until we got home?" I cut him off, raising a brow.

Tears formed in the cornrd of his eyes as his lower lip shakes.

"D-daddy please don't tell me-"

"Take off your panties and bend over the table." I demanded, lifting him off my lap.

"B-but daddy-"

"Now." I say, watching him as he pouts.

He stands up and takes his pink lacy panty off, bending on my office table, giving me an amazing view of his soft, plump bum.

I smirked as I got up from my seat.

"You've been a naughty little boy today. Daddy will have to punish you."




Baby|BTS Oneshots BoyxBoy [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now