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I'm sorry but as you guys already know, I'm practically gay/trash for YoonMin, don't hate me if it gets annoying xD



"Okay! Spin the bottle hyung!" I said, excited at where it would point.

We were currently at my apartment, all 7 of us since we're currently celebrating my birthday.

Namjoon spins the bottle, grinning widely.

The bottle finally comes to a hault (and just like every cliche ff...) and points at me.

My heartrate speeds up as I reached for the bottle, wanting to figure out who the hell would be my partner.

After a couple of seconds (and because author-chan is addicted to YoonMin), it comes to another hault and points at Yoongi.

All the excited-ness and happiness completely left my body when Yoongi started to get up.

To tell you that I was shocked is a complete understatement.

I didn't think I'd be doing it with Yoongi.

Yo, what's the big deal about Yoongi? He's your classmate, best friend, squad memeber... crush?

He squats down infront of me, too close for my body to even call it healthy.

I was breathing harshly and my stomach feels like butterflies are doing some sort of parade.

Yoongi takes the box and tears it open, taking out a pack full of the goodies I always had in my backpack.

He tears the small bag open, taking out a stick.

"Ready?" He asks.

Not trusting my voice, I nodded hesitantly, not even sure if he wants to do this with me.

"Calm down, it'll be finished even before you know it." He says, showing off his gummy smile to me.

Exactly. It'll be finished before I even know it. Fact: I hope it doesn't.

Somehow, I managed to hold a smile.

"Alright, here I go." He said, placing the stick-like biscuit between his teeth.

He leans in, waiting for me to lean towards him and start eating the chocolate covered part.

With another deep breath, I lean in, biting and eating up the leangth of the biscuit until I was this close to brushing my lips on his.

Other people would just focus on the task at hand and finish the game. But me?

Hah. I paused and looked in his eyes.

The dark brown ones that always managed to send a shiver down my spine.

The dark orbs fantasized me in so many ways. Not only did it hold secrets, but it held this emotion I've come to notice.

Baby|BTS Oneshots BoyxBoy [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now