Highschool Love pt.2《TaeGi》

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I pulled Yoongi out the cafeteria and to the back of the school building.

Huffing and cursing under my breath.

"Tae what the heck? Let go!" He yelled, pulling his hand free.

"What's going on? Why the hell are you so pissed?" He asks, caressing his now red wrist.

I simply glared at him, trying to calm down by counting 1 to 10.

A couple of seconds passed and I finally felt at ease and was ready to face Yoongi.

As I turned around, I was greeted by a deep scowl dressing his supposedly beautiful face.

Awh, now his cute features are ruined.

I thought, pouting a little.

This confused him, causing him to raise a questioning brow.

"What?" He asks.

"I don't like it when Hoseok smiles at you." I pouted, my sudden change of attitude scaring him a little.

He raised a questioning brow.

"What do you mean? Is he not allowed to smile at me?" He asks.

I smirked at him, slowly making my way towards him, closing the annoying gap until my hands rested on either side of his body as he leaned on the brick wall, getting as far away from me as possible.

"No, he's allowed to. But I know Hoseok. That smile he gave you was completely different. And I know what it meant." I said softly, leaning in.

I purposely touched both our noses together, feeling his hot, unsteady breath brush on my lips.

"W-what did it mean, then?" He asks, his body trembling.

"It meant he liked you. And I don't like that. Only I can like you."

Those were the last things I said to him before making my way to his neck, attaching my lips on his soft, pale skin.

The kisses turned to licks, and the licks turned to sucks.

Yoongi let out a moan, making my whole body just want to hear that and only that for the rest of my life.

His hands found their way on my head, running through my hair.

"Fuck.." he whimpered, latching on to me as I felt his knees grow weak.

Smirking, I placed a hand on his hip for support, making my way up to his jaw then finally on his lips.

The kiss started off slow and loving, but as soon as Yoongi rubbed his knee on my crotch, my mind went balistic and I forced my tongue in his mouth, inspecting and terrorizing every part of it.

He moaned, sending vibrations on my lips.

Since we are both humans and we needed air to breathe, we parted, whimpering as we felt each others' lips no longer on ours.

"W-what was that kiss supposed to mean..?" He asks, his arms lazily draped around my shoulders.

I smirked at him and looked down on his lips, licking my own.

"It meant that I wanted you. And since you kissed back, you obviously want me too." I said, finally coming up to a reasonable conclusion.

He chuckles, running a hand through my hair.

"Fine. I admit that. Can we go back inside now? I'm hungry." He pouted, making my insides do multiple backflips in a row.

"I-uh, I mean- sure, let's go." I said, getting all flustered by this simple act.

I walked away first, but was immediately pulled back again.

I turned around and raised a questioning brow, only to see an adorable pouting Yoongi extending his hand.

"Take my hand." He said, making me smile at him.

I took it without hesitation, gently pulling him again towards the building.

As we stepped inside, everyone's gaze were on us.

Well, not on us but on our intwined hands.

We walked towards the table, seeing Namjoon and Jin bickering at eachother.

As we reached the noisy table, I cleared my throat, silencing my friends.

"Well..?" Jin asks with hopeful eyes.

I gave him a scowl first, but after seeing his disappointed look, I laughed and held Yoongi and my hands up, giving them a clear view.

"FINALLY!" They all exclaimed in unison.

Yoongi and I simply chuckled at this, sitting back down on our provided seats.


Wazzup😂 I'm sorry, but the first part of this wasn't supposed to end like that and I'm sorry this second part is short, it wasn't planned at all unlike 'Sucker'. Anyways, I'm really disappointed at how this turned out but seeing that I was a clumsy idiot and didn't check twice before publishing.. kekekkekekekekeke I'm really sorry for this xD

Anyways, this author's note will probably be so long because...

Kahi't ako'y titibo-tibo!

Puso ko ay titibo-tibo pa 'rin sa'yo!

Isang halik mo lamang at ako ay tinatablan, at ang aking pagkababae ay nabubuhayan

Na para ba'ng bulaklak, na namumukadkad

XD I'm sorry, na LSS ako.. kekekeekkeke

Anyways, thanks for the support, really, I didn't expect this to reavh above 500 reads huehuehuehuehue

Lablabv ;**



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