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Honestly feels like I'm writing cypher pt. 2. See what I did there? No? Ok.


I groaned as I heard my alarm go off.

Without opwning my eyes, I turned the alarm clock off, letting out a tired sigh before standing up.

I decided to wash my face before changing into the clothes I prepared for the party.

When I was finally ready, it was already 6:55 pm and I was currently rushing down the stairs of my big-ass apartment, running over to the door to answer it.

"Let's go." Jimin says, not even bothering to look up from his phone.

"Wait." I said, rushing back inside the apartment.

I took my phone and a couple hundred bucks, stuffing them inside my back pocket. I glazed a thin layer of lip balm, not wanting to have chapped lips while taking in alcohol.

I rushed back down stairs, finally locking up the apartment.

Hopping in Jimin's ride, I checked myself one last time in the mirror before nodding at my best friend.


We reached the house and it was already starting to get wild.

I hopped out the vehicle and waited for Jimin, but was told not to.

Making my way in the house, I tried my best to keep away from the sweaty bodies as much as possible.

Finally, I reached the kitchen and pulled out a drink from the big-ass freezer.

I popped it open and started gulping it down, completely bored out of my mind since Jimin wasn't here.

I sighed and started to walk around, checking the rooms one by one only to end up seeing couples making out.

That made gag, physically and mentally.

"Ugh, Chim, where the hell are you?" I muttered to no one in particular, taking out my phone.

There was no service here in the halls, making me groan.

I made my way in one (finally) empty room. Walking out the balcony, I smiled as I see that there was finally signal.

As soon as I pulled down my phone to start texting, a cold pair of hands snaked their way to my waist, making me jump in surprise.

"Hey, you wwre the owner of that pen I borrowed, right?" His deep husky voice spoke up, sending shivers down my spine.

"T-Tae? U-uhh, yeah.." I answered, my knees going weak at the thought of our position.

This is wrong.

I thought- pushing him away.

I leaned on the railings of the balcony, eyeing Taehyung up and down.

"Damn, I know I look bad but your face doesn't have to be that judgmental." Taehyung scoffs, making me raise an eyebrow at him.

"Huh? N-no it's not like tha- wait, did you just call yourself ugly?" I asked, mentally wondering if this is really Kim Taehyung.

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