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A/N: Eyyy, saw what I did there?? ;)


I sometimes wish I could just take a shower like how normal people do.

But most of the time? I ain't complaining.

"Mhmmm, d-don't stop, Hobi..." I moaned out, gripping tightly on the edges of the tub.

Hobi's fingers gently grazed ob my length, teasing me.

"F-fuck, not now, please!" I begged, arching my back.

Hoseok simply chuckled at my reaction, getting on his knees.

"Alright, I'm done playing, don't worry." He winked.

Without another word, he placed my whole member in his mouth, making waves of pleasure run diwn my entire spine.

"Holy fuck!" I yelled out, bringing my head back as the tip of my member hit the back of his throat.

He bobbed his head up and down multiple times and before I knew it, a knot has tightened in my stomach.

"H-Hobi i'm about to-"

I didn't get to finish my sentence when I felt my dick go cold.

His warm lips were no longer wrapped around my twitching member.

"H-Hobi, ehat do you-"

"You didn't wash the dishes again. Suffer the consequences." He said, standing up.

A pout formed on my lips.

"But baby." I whined, unable to get up due to the extreme pleasure I experienced not so long ago.

"Nope. You knew I was busy with my routine." He said, washing off the soap suds that covered most of his body.

"Alright, okay. I'm sorry and I'll even do the dishes tonight. But for heaven's sake. Could you please help me out?" I ask, reffering ti my now aching member.

"Nope." He answered simply.

"How am I supposed to take care of this?" I ask, slightly annoyed.

"God gave you hands. Use them."

And with tgat, he left the bathroom, shutting the door loudly in the process.


Isn't this what they call a semi-smut or something? I dunno. But I really apologize for this shitty update. Finals are due next week and we still have a heck lot of projects and reports to finish. I know that as being a writer, your school shouldn't be hindrance from you updating but what can I say? I'm a shitty writer xD

Our finals are on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I'll just give you guys the schedule since I don't have anyone else to share it with xD

Thursday- Math, Filipino, TLE
Friday- Science, CH
Saturday- English, AP

Wow I published without finishung kekekekkekeke xD


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