Idol •NamJin•

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Being the assistant of Korea's number one pop star may be the best job anyone can ever have.

That's what they told me before I even signed up for this.

Yeah, sure.

It pays well.

I get alot of breaks since my idol's hella lazy.

And it's just like when your mom orders you around the house cause she's either too 'busy' or too lazy to do it herself.

All great— trust me.

But the downside?

It's when you fall for the idol.

I've been at this job ever since Kim Namjoon debuted.

4 years to be exact.

He sees me as a mother since his parents left him in an orphanage when he was young because they wanted a 'handsome' child.

Well, guess who's laughing now.

"Jin, bring me a bagel please." Namjoon orders, eyes glued on his screen.

I politely bowed and made my way to his kitchen.

After heating up and placing the plain piece of bread on a presentable plate, I made my way to his table and placed the food beside him.

"Thank you." He thanked, making me bow again.

I stood at the corner, trying to be as small as possible so I wouldn't distract or disturb him from his work.

"Jin, isn't my plane for L.A tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yes sir."

"Pack my stuff for me please." He ordered.

I bowed down yet again and made my way to his room without another word.

I took out his bag and started packing his things, from designer socks to his underwear, to his jewelry.

As I was about to finish, I noticed I packed too many underwear and decided to unload a bit.

I opened his underwear drawere and bam.

I literally felt my jaw hit the floor.

"The fuck is this..?" I muttered to myself, picking up the transparent bottle full of... liquid.

I turned it around and read it's description.

For easier thrusts, try our Sundae Strawberry flavored lube special!

Again, my haw hit the floor.

When the hell did Namjoon use these types of shit?

Was he fucking some random-ass bitch while I wasn't around?

No, that can't be.

I'm around him 24/7.


I ran out the room, the bottle still in my hands.

"What is this?!" I exclaimed, shoving the bottle up in his face.

The second I did that, I regretted it.

Never had I ever disrespected my boss.

I pulled my hand back and covered my mouth, breathing out 'I'm sorry's and curses under my breath.

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