Author's Note

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Sorry, not an update.

Buuuuut, something's caught my attention. If I click in my book, I see that my username's still BitchyxxWriter. Uhm, no, my user name is ElliseImQueen
I'll have to report that, I'm sorry if it's been a bother to others T^T

I'll try my best to fix it ASAP

Also, I live here in the Philippines and Bangtan will not be having any concerts this year, 2018, because they said (not sure tho) that they gave us, the PH ARMYs, 1 year to save up for their 2019 concert since they had a concert here for 2 days, May 6 and 7. I was trying to do some digging if they ever have a schedule for their concerts here in the PH but found out that they don't. So it's basically a game of luck. If they have their concert from July to February, then the venue won't be packed. But here's my main problem tho. If their concert lands on April 6th-10th, then I'm sure I'm going to jump inside Mayon Volcano since during those days, is the celebration of my grandfather's birthday and no one in the family can go anywhere. Like, we need to stay and join the celebration. My dear readers please pray that the concert won't land on those days, help me, I'm desperate T^T

Help your fellow ARMY T^T


Who heard the reply of ARMYs. The one where the ARMY used Pied Piper???

It's the attatchment above💕👆

Love lots, take care and many blessings guys ;****


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