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Requested by Estherluvskpop thanks for requesting! I was afraid no one would xD


"Baby, do you really have to go?" Jimun whined, tugging on my arm as I started to head for the door.

I sighed, turning to pull my clingy boyfriend in an embrace.

"Baby, please stay until I get home, kay?" I tell him, rubbing his back comfortably.

"B-but I heard that there was a thunder storm coming! Y-you know I hate those!" He whined even louder.

As I looked into his dark brown orbs, I noticed tears welling up in the corners of his eyes.

"As long as you stay in the house, nothing can hurt you." I assure him, hugging him tightly.

"Promise me you'll be good and stay here until my shift ends?" I ask, feeling him nod softly.

"Alright, I have to go now. Bye babe." I kissed him goodbye, walking out the door, inhaling the smell of fresh air.


"So you left Jimin all alone in your apartment?! What kind of heartless creature are you?!" Taehyung exaggerates, placing a hand on his mouth.

I roll my eyes at him, scanning in the chosen products of the customer.

"Chill, Tae. He'll be alright. He's 20 years old for Heaven's sake." I said, looking over to the computer screen.

After our morning shift, Taehyung and I decided to have lunch at Jin's cafe nearby.

"So you left Jimin all alone in your apartment?! What kind of heartless creature are you?!" Jin exclaims behind the counter, tightly gripping on the edges.

"I sense de ja vu." I said, rolling my eyes at him.

"Yoongs, look outside. It's already starting to become cloudy. I'm scared for Chim." Jin says, the worry obvious in his tone.

I looked outside through the glass, letting out a tired sigh.

"It'll clear out later. Don't worry about the kid, he can handle himself." I said optimistically, showing them my famous gummy smile.


I hugged my legs tighter as another flash of light strikes outside the window.

It's currently 7 pm, and let me tell you, I'm scared out of my wits.

Again, a flash appeared.

And another.

And another.

And another.

The flash just continued to come until I could finally feel my cheeks getting wet.

"Y-Yoongi... where are you..? I'm scared, please come save me.." I whispered.

My lips quivered as I pushed myself back until I felt my back hit the wood of the closet.

The lights of the room flickered to life and I hear panting.

"J-Jiminie! Where are you, baby?" Yoongi calls out, his shadow simply passing by the closed doors of the closet.

I let a few tears stream down, biting hard on my lip.

Yoongi, I can't move.

I need you to find me.

Please hurry.

I'm scared.

It's dark.

"Jiminie! It's not the time to play games!" He yelled, obviously annoyed and tired.

As much as I wanted to just burst out the closet and embrace my favorite human being in the world, I just can't.

It's as if my whole body is glued to the closet.

I can't come out unless someone takes me out.

I opened my mouth to say something, but only a huff of air came  out.

Yoongi, I'm in the closet!

I mentally yelled, eyeing the closet doors as if they would just open by themselves.

Even though there were lights in the room, I could still sense the lightning striking right outside the window.

I shut my eyes close, making a few tears stream lifelessly down my cheeks.

My whole body was shaking uncontrolably as I hugged my legs even tighter; if that was even possible.

Suddenly, I hear the creaking sound of the closet door open and a pair of warm arms scoops my small body out the closet.

Slowly, I fluttered my eyes open, laying my gaze on a worried Yoongi.

"Baby, I'm sorry.." he apologizes, setting us both down on the couch.

"I'm sorry for leaving you alone, knowing that a bad storm was coming. I was being an idiot.." he said, breaking my heart as he degrades himself.

"N-no! I'm sorry for being too weak! I can't stay strong for you!" I said, pputing alittle.

"I'm very weak and I depend on others. I feel useless.." I said, finally letting out what I've been bottling in.

"Baby, don't say that. You're the reason why I wake up every morning when I don't want to. You're the reason why I go and work 8 hours a day. You're the reason why I eat properly and bathe everyday. You're the very reason why my world's not yet in pieces. You're the reason why I've become a better man. You're the reason for every positive thingthat has happened in my life so you do not have the right to call yourself useless." He says, burrying his face in the crook of my neck.

"Gee, you make it sound like I'm such a great person.." I said softly, my lips feeling swollen and hot after crying.

"It's because you are. I love you, Park Jimin. I always have and I always will. Don't forget that." He says, placing a kiss on my nose.

"I love you too, Yoongi." I giggled, wrapping my arms around his neck.


Who else was disappointed by how this part turned out?🙁 istg, the plot was amazing, Estherluvskpop it's me who sucks at writing T^T

I know it's not an acceptable reason if I can't manage my time well these days, considering finals are only in a week. So I'll try my best to update and everything.


Baby|BTS Oneshots BoyxBoy [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now