Tail •YoonMin•

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Yep, anotha YoonMin one xD

I'm sorry (not sorry) kekekekekekekekke


I sneezed as the snowflake fell on my now red nose.

"Ahh, shit.. Hwall, where are you..?" I mumble to no one in particular as I felt tears begging to fall down.

"I'm cold.. I'm scared.. I'm lonely.. Please help me..." I sobbed, digging my face between my legs as I hugged them tighter to my self.

It has been three weeks, five days, twenty three hours, eighteen minutes and eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen seconds since Hwall, my owner, actually, previous owner, told me to sit in this abandoned and dark alley way as he left with the words "I'll be back".

He never came back.

Now I'm stuck in this place like every stray cat in the city.

I could go and try an get a job, but you need to finish college to get a good one.

Plus, no one would want to hire a hybrid.

"I'll just end my life right now. What if.. what if that's a great idea..?" I start whispering to myself as I fiddled with my cold fingers.

"What if I just—"

"Aren't you cold?" A voice from in front asks, making me look up.

As soon as our gazes met, both our bodies froze.

The man had tan skin, despite being in this cold winter weather. His eyes decorated with the trending smokey eye look. His cheeks a cute puffy red color and his lips so plump and so full.

He screamed perfect from my perspective


"Aren't you cold, little kitty?"

The nickname made heat crawl up to my face, making me hide it between both my knees.

From my peripheral vision, I could see him crouching down to my level.

"What's wrong?" He asks, his cute voice causing my insides to jump.

"I-I'm not supposed to talk to strangers.." I say quietly, not wanting to meet his gaze.

"Oh? And why is that?" He asks, making me look up.

"B-bacause, master will punish me and—"

"Master? You have an owner?" He asks, looking like I grew two heads.

"Y-yeah, I do. But I don't blame you from being so shocked, given that no one would want to own such an ugly kitte-"

"Where's you master?" He cuts me off, looking slightly irritated.

Oh no, did my blabbing annoy him?

"I-I don't know.." I say honestly.

"You don't know?"

I nod, a tad bit sad remembering the horrid truth.

"Did he... did he, leave you here?" He asks.

I look up at him slowly, the tears I was holding back finally being set free.

"Oh, baby..." he says in pity, engulfing me in a warm hug.

"I-I've been so obedient and I stayed here for two weeks for him and—"

"Two weeks?! Who is he?? God? Making such an adorable kitten to stay out here in the cold for two fucking weeks!" He exclaims, pulling me up in his strong arms.

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