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"Yoongi hyung! I'm really sorry for being late- I promise it won't happen again!" I bowed at the blonde haired hyung sitting on his spinny chair.

"Kook, you have been spending too much time with Tae. You can't even come to cover practices on time." He scolded, making me bite my lower lip in guilt.

"What's going on?" He asks, moving his body forward as he rested both his elbows on his thighs.


••Four hours ago••

"Tae, this is really important. I really need to share this with you. You're my bestfriend and you know I share every damn secret with you!" I exclaimed, hearing the echoe of my voice through the phone.

I heard him sigh at the other end.

"Fine. Be at my room in 5 minutes, I still have to clean up." He said, hanging up.

Oh God... I really need to talk to him about this. I can't keep having feelings for Yoongi hyung and be okay with it. We have cover practices every 4 pm, I can't pretend like I have no feelings for him.

I'd be lying to myself.


"Well?" He demanded, raising an eyebrow at me.

"H-hyung, I don't wanna talk about it right now. Can we just please proceed with the cover?" I asked, my voice laced with exhaustion.

"Hm, okay. I'll let you off the hook now." He said, shrugging his shoulders.

If it meant keeping our friendship, then I'd be okay with keeping these feelings hidden. At least, until he debuts as a rapper.

I sat on the provided chair next to my hyung and we started to record.


"Ughhh." Yoongi hyung groaned, making me look at him with a red face.

"Tired?" I asked, keeping the devices we used during the recording.

"Nah. I'm frustrated." He said, sitting properly while looking at me dead in the eye.

"Why?" I asked, not bothering  to look bat at him.

"I'm thinking about you and Tae. Are you guys... In a relationship?" He asks, making the headphones slip from my  grip.

I tried catching it multiple times but failed miserably as it hit the floor.

I sighed and bent down to pick it up. I got up, only to stop mid-way when I saw how close Yoongi hyung was to my face.

He smirked, bringing his face closer to mine. But I, however, tried bringing it further by backing up until my head painfully hit the desk.

"Ah, shit." I cursed softly, rubbing the back of my head as I scrunched up my face in pain.

I looked back infront of me and saw that Yoongi hyung was still as close to me as before. If not, closer.

Baby|BTS Oneshots BoyxBoy [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now