Irreplaceable pt. 2 •YoonMin•

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Yoongi pulls me to his house quite harshly.

"Y-Yoongi, hold up—"

"Shut up. You brought yourself into this." He growled, pinning me to the door as he smashed his lips onto mine.

I immediately kissed back, our heavy breaths filling the room.

"I love you so much." He breathed out, biting on my lower lip.

I wasn't given the chance to reply since my mouth was pre-occupied with something else.

"On your knees." He growls, making shivers run down my spine.

I obediently kneeled down in front of him, unlocking his belt slowly, teasing him.

"This better be worth it or—" he was cut off by sucking his own breath when I cupped his large member.

"Of course this'll be worth it. I'm your biyfriend after all." I smirked, massaging his now hardened member.

"Park Jimin, just suck me off or I swear to God—"

I immediately took his hard member out his underwear, kissing the tip in a teasing manner.

Yoongi hisses as I feel his grip tighten on my hair.

"I love it so much when we do this while you're mad. It's much more..." I trailed off, licking his member from it's base to it's tip that's leaking of pre-cum.

"Oh God Jimin~" Yoongi moans out, throwing his head back, hitting it softly on the wall.

"It's much more, extreme.." I say, blowing the tip of his member.

"Oh, fuck this shit." He says angrily, forcin his member in my mouth.

It took a moment for the muscles in my mouth and throat to calm down.

"You want extreme?" He asks, looking down at me with such a color lingering in his chocolate brown orbs.

"I'll give you fucking extreme." He hisses, thrusting harshly inside my mouth.

After a few thrusts, he comes in my mouth, leaving it as I panted for breath.

The end :)

Okay so guys the next one shot might be published a few days from now cause—

I'M KIDDING YOU RETARDED Füçkš😂😂😂 I'm sorry I just had to play you guys😂

"Get up." Yoongi demends.

I got on both my feet, feeling myself getting carried up bridal style.

I was brought to the bed, feeling the soft mateess under me as Yoongi hovered over my sweaty body.

"Yoongi, please do as you wish." I panted, my lips parted from the lack of oxygene.

He smirks and kisses my forehead, leaning over to my upper left, blindly searching for something inside his, I suppose, drawer.

"What are you looking for?" I ask, seeing the troubled look lingering in his eyes.

"Condoms and lube. I swear, I left it here the last time we had—"

"Yoongi, you left it at the hotel we went to three nights ago." I dead-panned, making him go as pale as a ghost.

"Th-then we can't—"

"We can, Yoongi."

"B-but then it'll hurt and I don't want you to get hurt because of me and my carelessness and—"

"Fuck me raw daddy." I whispered into his ear, nibbling it in the process as I felt his stiff body relax.

"You really know how to drive me insane, Park Jimin." He chuckles, sticking out two fingers in front of my plump lips.

Without another thought, I sucked on them, making sure they were slick enough.

His fingers were replaced by his lips and they were then inserted in me.

"F-fuck, ohh~" I moaned out, theowing my head back as he thrusts both his fingers in me without warning.

The pain lingered for a while before being replaced by pure pleasure.

"Y-Yoongi, I want y-you, now." I demanded, rubbing my hard member on his hard abs.

I didn't even get enough time to take another breath before he's entered me.

"Oh, fuck~"

Our moans filled the room.

Yoongi thrusts in deeper in me, hitting my prostate again and again, practically abusing it.

After a few more hits, I feel his grip on the back of my thigh tighten.

This was a sign I took that he was almost in his limit.

He took action and pulls out, only to have me stop him.

"Stop, Yoongi. Come inside me." I say.

His eyes grow wide and looks at me like I've completely lost it.

"J-Jimin, are you s-sure?" He asks, earning a shy nod from me.

"Y-yes, please.." I say, turning to the side, unable to look into his eyes.

He lifts my head up using his index finger and thumb, smashing his lips onto mine as he inserts himself back in me.

He thrusts in a few more times before I feel his warm seeds fill in me, making me come in both our stomachs as well.

We both moan in easure and satisfaction.

I throw my head back as I felt him sucking on my neck.

He pulls out and lays beside me, scooping me securely in his arms.

"I love you, Park Jimin. I love you so much." He mumbles in my ear before being replaced by quiet snores.

"I love you too, my Yoongi bear." I kiss him softly onto the lips before drifting on to my own world.


So, I wanted to do a face reveal and say the I "accidentally" posted it like pa-char lang😛😏

But then I was like, you know what?

Hell nah.

You guys might say I'm "too young" to be writing smuts.

Well guess what.

I am.(too young)

But guess (what) again.

I like writing them and you guys seem to enjoy so I don't see why you guys still have to complain, kekekekekke😉

Uhm, any requests?? Feel free to PM me for smut or fluff💕



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