VMin《Dance Room》

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Our neighbor's fucking noisy. People are trying to sleep, ugh.


"Jimin! 2 o'clock!" Namjoon, my best friend, screeches, making me turn my head to the side almost immediately.

And there he was, in all his gloryness.

Kim Taehyung.

Call me cliche, but call Taehyung the bad boy of the school first.

"Holy shit.." I muttered under my breath, leaning on my still open locker for support.

He, Seokjin and Yoongi were currently walking down the hallway almost like they were in a movie.

You know- the part where your surroundings suddenly go into slow motion version, somehow wind is there to add in to the affect and the lighting is somehow just perfect.

Everyone, yes, everyone, made way for them. The students practically treated these kids as gods. And I ain't even complaining.

They started heading near me, making my insides go frenzy in the best way possible.

I smiled widely at him as I tried to control my breathing when he stood almost a feet away from me. Yeah, that close.

I'm lucky to be alive.

"Uhm, excuse me." He said, his voice deeper than any sound I've ever heard.

His face, however, held no expression whatsoever.

Because I am smart and I decide that I want to live another day, I obeyed him, closing my locker door shut as I got out of his way.

He opened his locker- literally next to mine, and started to take out his textbooks.

"Jimin, let's go-"

"Hush! I need to know what subjects he has right now." I whispered to my other bestfriend, Jungkook.

He sighed and rolled his eyes, looking over at Taehyung to see which books he was taking.

"Alright, I don't really get why you like the kid so much. What does he have that you don't, huh? He's got eyes, a nose, a mouth and ears. You have those aswell. What makes him so special? He's human, just like us." Jungkook spat, making me turn my all my attention to him.

I raised an eyebrow and gave him the 'bitch run the fuck now before I fuck you up' look.

Kookie licked his lip nervously at the look I was giving him and smiled, walking away.

The bell gave out a shrill sound, signaling the start of the last period of the day.

I hesitantly made my way to my biology class, not caring if I'm five minutes late since the teacher always never shows up.


"Jimin hyung, Namjoon hyung bought a new gaming set. Wanna try it out later?" Jungkook asked as I stuffed my things inside my locker.

"Sorry Kook, I can't right now. I've got to practice for finals night. I'll promise to make it up to you tomorrow." I said, suddenly in a hurry since the time read 4:47 pm.

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