Idol •YoonMin•

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I don't have the double < thingies because I'm using an iPhone and yes, YoonMin again cause I'm like,,, legit gay for them😂


"Chim, there are tickets available right now. Unless you don't want to join, don't come." I hear Sehun say at the end of the line.

"Me? I, Park Jimin, refuse to go to a BTS concert? Who am I talking to?" I ask in a joking manner, hearing the older on chuckle.

"Well move faster you idiot or I won't reserve this spot behind me in the line for you." He said, making me run out my dorm.


"Sehun!" I panted, running up towards the tall man.

"That's hyung for you." He said, taking a step forward so I could insert behind him.

As I stood in line, I couldn't help but feel butterflies just errupt in my stomach.

I've been a fan of BTS for more than 2 years and I've been waiting and saving up my allowance for this concert.

"How much do you have with you?" Sehun asks, making me check my pockets.

"I don't know.." I mumbled, taking out a stack of hundred dollar bills.

Sehun chuckles, taking out his own.

"I'll but tickets for the both of us. You go and buy merch for the concert." He said, making me smile.

"Just don't buy the albums." He whispered, making me raise a questioning brow.

"Why?" I ask.

"They're a rip-off. They're only 50% off because they're fake. But the other merch are legit though." He informs.

I simply smile at him and made my way to the lined booths filled with merch.

The inner fanboy inside me starts to jump excitedly.

"Take my money" I whispered to no one in particular.


Finally, after practically hopping from one booth to another, I went back to the long-ass line to see Sehun almost reaching the counter.

"Hey, I bought water for the both of us." I informed him.

"Thanks." He said, finally stepping forward.

After ordering two VIP tickets, he and I walked inside the atrium with goodies, fan banners and of course, the light sticks.

"I can't believe this is really happening, oh my gosh.." I gasped, swiftly making my way through the crowd.

As I reached the nearest spot to the stage, I patiently leaned on the railings, deleting all unimportant apps and pictures in my phone to make space for the new videos and photos that's about to be born.

After a few minutes, the whole atrium went dark and everyone started cheering.

It's starting!

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