Chapter 1 Sweet Sixteens

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(Tiff's POV)
So, it's 15 years later and things are still going great as well as my relationship with Alex. Being the persuader that he is , we now have six beautiful children in total, because Alex always gets what he wants.

Alex has now taken over his gang when Jonathan - his previous boss-  stepped down. So, now he's running the gang as well as preparing Xander to take over someday. I on the other hand am a stay at home mom now , with all the extra money coming in and all, there really isn't a reason for me to work, and besides someone has to look after all these children because they can be very-

"No! Give it back Lexi ! I need my controller !" Yup, Lexi and Mason are at it again.

"No! Not until you play tea party with me ! I need a special guest since Mr Snuggles is out sick."

"He's a stuffed unicorn and I don't want to play stupid te-"

"Mason, Lexi , stop fighting."

Of course I had to step in. I feel like I'm constantly playing peace maker in this house.

They stopped in their tracks, looked at me and then continued running and yelling. Ugh, seriously now they're making me run after them , great.


After a lot of running and more shouting they were still going strong, curse their fathers' will power they inherited.

"Alex ! Get your but of that couch and help me !" He paused the tv , observed the situation and pressed play replying ;

"Ask one of the twins, I'm kind of in a middle of a game sweetheart."

Really ? Did he just say that ? Seriously 17 years of being married to him and I'm still not used to this , but I also learned through those years to stand my ground and take charge.

"What happend to 'I'll be happy to take over ?' Mhm? Or did you forget during these past 17 years what you promised me ?"

Just like that the tv was paused again and he sat up facing me.

"No, of course not sweets, I'd never forget such a -"

"Well, than I suggest you get on it then unless you want to sleep on that very couch."

And with one swift move he was up from the couch and in less than a minute the fighting had stopped.

Strange how a big bad gang leader can be so afraid of sleeping on the couch.

With the silience filling the house like music to my ears I hed to the kitchen to start on breakfast.

"Hey mom, need some help ?"
I turned around seeing my beautiful daughter glowing from head to toe.

"No thank you . Happy Birthday Mia!" I said engolving her in a hug. I can't believe my baby girl is sixteen years old. I really am getting old now.

"Hey ! What about me ?"

"Happy Birthday to you too Xander."  I swear he's just like his father, craves attention and hates sharing the spotlight. I remember this from their 10th birthday where he told me he doesn't like sharing a birthday especially with a girl.

Xander and Mia's arguing breaks me from my thoughts.

"No, I want 50 guests max." Mia protests.

"What ? That's barely a party. I say a 100 at the least." Xander says and so they go back and forth.

I just ignored them - like I always do - and continued making breakfast.

"MOM!" they both shout out of frustration

"What now ?" I sighed as I turned around with my hand on my hip , clearly annoyed. 

"Xander wants to invite the whole school to our party , but I just don't like to be surrounded by so many people it makes me nervous."

"It's not my fault your socially awkward. I still stand with a 100." Xander says crossing his arms over his chest stating his point.

"Go ask your father."
  As those words barely ecscaped my mouth they were both heading to the livingroom, elbowing eachother out of the way to get there first.

(Mia's POV)

I can't believe Xander persuaded dad to let him invite 110 people. Just because he's older by 3 minutes and takes more after dad , he always gets his way. Life's not fair , but then again as long as he invites Henry I don't mind the other 109 people there.

But now thinking about it he probably would ,  I mean he's his bestfriend not to mention his dad -uncle Chris- is dad's bestfriend. So... him being here is definitly a certainty.

It's not that  I'm weird or anything. I just sorta , kind of have a little crush on him that's all.

But I would never tell Xander that and even more so dad. They would both say and I quote 'he's not right for you. Your too innocent for a bad guy like him'

pff, too innocent...

okay maybe I was too innocent .

I mean I was homeschooled my whole life while my brothers get to go to a real school. So , I didn't really get a chance to hang out with kids my own age  and do things they say and do besides my brothers' friends... but that doesn't matter when you really love someone right ? I mean they love you just the way you are .

"Hey , Happy Birthday Mia!"  Henry walked in and gave me a hug. Oh sweet cheese,  no boy has ever given me a hug before , especially Henry (mostly because dad wouldn't let any boy near me ) I love being in his arms... I thought dreamly

I was taken from my thoughts as Ethan came into the room clearing his throat indicating his presence.

"So, what's going on in here ?" He motioned between me and Henry with his hand.

"Nothing, he was just saying happy birthday."


Really ? I'm older by a year but still Ethan likes to play older than me and tease the life out of me.

"So... Henry huh ?" He said once Henry left.

"W-what are you talking  about I have no idea what your talking about." I said as I blushed thinking back at how he hugged me.

"Say that to your face Elmo. I know you like Henry."

"Shh!!!" I shushed him , putting my hand over his mouth .

"So, it's true ?" He asked with an arced brow.

"Okay, yes it's true but please, please , please don't tell anyone especially dad and Xander they'd kill me if they knew."

"So daddy's girl is finally doing something wrong."

"I mean... it's not that I'm doing something wrong ..." I trailed off

He just gave me a smirk like ' uhuh I believe you'

"Are you going to keep quite or not ?"

"Hey , I ain't no snitch. I'll keep quite, just because it's your birthday and, I didn't get you anything"  he said the last part really fast as he ran out as I shouted after him

"Meanie !"

Hope you enjoyed! This is going to be all about Mia . Leave me your thoughts in the comment and vote section ❤❤❤

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