Chapter 27 worth it

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"...girl !" exclaimed Lydia excited

I started tearing up again . I can't believe it , it's a girl ...

"What!?" Austin shouted - clearly angry - as he stromed off, slamming the door behind him .

Lydia turned back to me - seeing my distressed look - giving me a warm and comforting smile like my mother always would .

I know it's probably naive and stupid of me to have such wishful thinking but , a part of me , a small part, thought that this child would change Austin . That he would actually fall inlove with them once they were born . But , yet again that was all in my head and would never realize . Because just like me , she was now a dissapoint in his eyes .

I held my arms out - as Lydia placed her on my bare just for the first time - she was warm and gave me peace as her tiny breaths were felt on my skin .

I looked down at her , still in awe that she's mine . That I made her. She's beautiful.

As she laid still on my chest I examined her closely , taking in her features. She definitely had my snup nose that I was certain about . The little hairs on her head seemed dark so I'm assuming she must have Austin's dark brown hair  , but then again it's too soon to tell , it could change . But it was clear she had his lip shape but they were rosy like mine just like her cheeks . I wished I could tell what colour her eyes were , brown like mine or blue like Austin's but I can't, not yet atleast. She was absolutely beautiful and I still couldn't believe it .

To think she was the one that kept me this strong for so long , this small and fragile little girl. I loved her already.

"She's beautiful Mia , absolutely beautiful, just like her mother . " Lydia said with a big smile on her face , reaching her eyes .

"She is . She's perfect . " I said proudly as I looked down at her in awe .

"What are you and the young master naming her ? "

I contemplated before answering because to be honest , Austin didn't want her nor spent any time bonding with her before and after she was born . He stormed out after hearing she's a girl for crying out loud ! So why would I consult him about naming her ?

"Arabella , it means yielding to prayer. "  I said softly

"That's beautiful Mia , how did you come up with that ? "

"I don't know , I guess while being pregnant with her everything was just going wrong in my life. I was dragged away from my family, twice , kidnapped and imprisoned but , she kept me sane . She kept me from falling apart. So in a way she's an answer to my prayers. "

"That's so beautiful." Lydia said as she wiped the stray tear from her cheek .

She stiffend her posture again and regained her professional demeanour again. "Okay , let me show you how to hold and feed her ."

She instructed me how to do it and apparently did surprisingly amazing for my first time , her words not mine .

After I fed Arabella Lydia gave me a cute little onsie that she bought for Bella , something about having an intuition that it would be a girl .

I dressed her and she looked even cuter as she fell asleep in my arms .

Lydia then took a seat next to me , putting her hand on leg - rubbing small circles on it - while she spoke in a small , smooth voice;

"He'll come around Mia . Just give him some time to adjust. Don't be so hard on yourself. "

I gave her a nod as I choked back my tears that threatened to escape again .

"Here let me take her while you rest up , you had quite a night behind you. "

I reluctantly gave her over to Lydia. The idea of both wanting to feel her sleep in my arms and just sleeping in general debating in my head. I was beyond tired , there was no denying it. I needed sleep .

I woke up seeing Lydia still in the same place I left her , the seat next to mine and Arabella in her arms sleeping.

"Hi ." I said softly as I sat up

"Hi dear . Had a nice rest ?"

"Yes , thank you was she any trouble? "

Lydia looked down at her as a warming smile spread across her face; "her ? Trouble? Not a chance . She was an absolute angel . I even called someone to go get some stuff for her, I know you didn't really have time to prepare for her arrival nor had any way to . So I made a phone call ." She looked back up to me with a grin .

A knock soon broke my confused gaze as Jake walked in . I never thought I would be this happy to see him but you know what , I now considered him a friend .

"Hey there bosslady or do you prefer babymama now ?" He asked with a chuckle .

He remined me a lot of Ethan . Jake was like another little brother to me .

"That depends Jake , are you going to call your boss , babydaddy now?  " I said with a chuckle.  They all stiffend at my mention of Austin but I'm not fazed by it . As they saw me laugh at my own remark they caught on , joining me .

" no way ! Bosslady it is " he answerd. 

"Did you get everything Jake ? " Lydia asked from my side

"Yup , everything on the list Miss Lydia . "

"What are you guys talking about ?" I asked with a smile and curiosity. 

"Nothing,  we just got you some ... essentials.  For now anyway . When your up and going you can get more or new ones if you'd like ,  see this as your ... starterpack . " Jake answerd as  he picked the bag up by his feet. 

I curiously peaked in seeing ; diapers , pacifiers , wipes , washes and creams , bottles,  formulas,  basically everything I would need to care for Arabella.  There were even a few cute outfits,  which I was most glad about because I didn't have any besides the one she's wearing now .

I smiled a thankful smile at them both at their kind gesture . I can't  believe that absolute strangers would do this for me .

The next thing I knew I was pulling them both in a hug with Bella in the middle .

We pulled back , all three looking down at Bella smiling . This was the best day . And so worth it .

Here it is ! What did you think ? Did you think it was a girl or a boy ? Do you like her name ? Let me know in the comment section below ❤❤

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