chapter 19 Like thunder and lighting

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I woke up to the sound of thunder blasting loudly outside, making the window shake . Rubbing my eyes I make my way to the window and close the curtains . I don't know why but ever since I was little thunderstorms gave me the creeps . Its just something about a fire strike through the sky making a loud noise that I never seemed to enjoy . Infact it scared the crap out of me .

Xander would always be by my side by the first sound of thunder blaring when we were little , and he still does it , or well he used to anyway ... guess he's still angry.

Well than I would just have to make it through the night without him .

Making my way to the couch in the baby's room ( cause I'm too tired to walk back to my room) I slide a blanket over me and turn on my side , facing away from the blaring thunderstorm going on outside the window , as my eyes droop closed.


" come on Mia , hurry up !"

"I can't Xander , slow down . It's really hard to run in the rain "

I try to run as fast as my little 5 year old legs could carry me but I still wasn't as fast as Xander. We were playing outside in the woods when it started to rain . The house was too far back and the nearest shelter was our tree house . I tried running as fast as I could to get there before it started to rain harder , and that's very difficult when your boots are filled with water and your wet hair clings to the side of your face.

"Come on , we're almost there !"

"Im coming !" I shouted back at my brother .

Eventually I made it to the tree house . Xander was already there waiting for me at the bottom . We found the biggest and tallest tree in the woods and made it our treehouse a few months back . It's like our secret hide out or get away when things gets too loud with Ethan and baby Jayce in the house.

"Come on , you first , I'll give you a boost ." Xander said as he took a hold of my left leg lifting it up so I could climb .

As I took the next step ,a big flash of light came from the sky , hitting me on my hand , making me fall to the ground. I didn't know how high I was up , but I know I was falling for a long time before I hit the ground .

I saw Xander run to me

"Mia ! Mia ! Wake up !"

*end of dream*

I woke up , sweat covering my whole forehead. Chill running down my spine, slightly shaking. I put my hand to my chest feeling it beat at an unnormally fast pace . My breath hitches as I recall the dream I just had . For so long I have forgotten about that day and suppressed the memory so far back that I didn't even remember it , until now .

I guess that's why we never went back to the woods , or played in the rain , and why Xander was always by my side when a thunderstorm was happening outside. He wanted to protect me , like he should've when I was hit .

Unknowingly tears started to stream down my face uncontrollably. All I wanted now was to hug my twin . I don't even care about the stupid fight anymore .

I stood up , wrapped the blanket around my shoulders and rushed to go find Xander . I put my hand on the doorknob and as I opened the door ,my brother came tumbling inside .

I looked at a sleepy and disorientated Xander now lying on the ground looking around confused. I couldn't help the smile that crept onto my face.

"What are you doing on the ground ?"

"Checking it for dustmites ?" He answered, more like questioned. As I raised my brow at his silly excuse.

He looked around trying to come up with a better excuse when he realized , there's no talking himself out of this one.

" I, uh , I... oh who am I kidding ? I heard the thunder outside and wanted to come lie next to you , like we always do during a thunderstorm . But when I saw you weren't in your room I knew you were still mad , so I sat outside the door the whole time, incase you needed me ."

This may be because of all my hormones being out of wack but , I burst into tears when I heard him say that. That was the sweetest thing I've heard Xander say to me in a long time .

He embraced me in a warm hug , rubbing my back , trying to calm me down .

"I-I remember Xander ..." I said between the flood of tears . He pulled back , gave me a questioning look ,

"Remember what ?"

I wiped my tears with the back of my hand before continuing

"I remember the day when we were in the woods . When I got hit by lighting and fell from the tree house, bumping my head and getting knocked out . "

He just looked at me not knowing what to say or how to respond to that.


"Is , is that why you were always by my side? You know , because I got hit ?"

He nervously scratched the back of his head .

"Um , yeah ... I thought since I couldn't protect you the first time that it was my fault . I should've done something. So when you didn't remember that day , I took it as my second chance to make things right, to protect you . So I thought if I stayed by your side during each thunderstorm , I could protect you , and never let it hurt you again . It's stupid I Know ..."

"No , I think it's really sweet how you did that . And still did it even though we were fighting. Xander , I don't care about that stupid fight anymore . It's my fault. I'm just hormonal and very touchy and shouldn't have gone off like I did . I'm sorry ."

" no , I'm sorry . I shouldn't have been so insensitive towards your feelings . I thought I was making a joke but didn't think it would hurt you that much ."

"It's okay."

"So ... you want to go back to sleep ? I'll stay and keep watch if you'd still like me to ? "

"Nah , I think I'm fine . How about we just sit by the window and watch the lightning flash for a little while , you can keep watch from there ." I said with a smile .

And so we made our way to the window . We were both huddled together under one yellow, fluffy blanket, watching the sky light up with lighting . And for the first time in years, I felt protected . And just sitting there made me realise, that the storm is actually like me and Xander . He's the thunder , loud and scary but can't hurt you , even though it seems that way. And I'm the lighting, beautiful and quite but yet so dangerous . The one without the other is not the same . But together they are equally as strong .

Unknown POV :

" I have eyes on the visual sir . Yes she's sitting by the window with her brother. "

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